*** Official Corona Virus Thread ***


Duke status
Jan 22, 2016
Seems like your game is to evade accounting for any of your beliefs and ideas and ask a bunch of dumb questions.
I account for my beliefs just fine. Overwhelming evidence shows the vaccine is safe, and side effects are far more mild than with COVID itself. Evidence also shows that you're far more likely do die from COVID if you're not vaccinated, even today.

Roughly 12.7 BILLION doses of COVID vax have been given thus far world wide. That you still need to point to your "friend" as support for your position speaks volumes.


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
Many employers required flu shots prior to COVID.
they were wrong to do so
What long-term issues are you worried about, particularly with the non-mRNA vaccines?
drugs often produce side effects that take a long time to discover

people who take drugs should do so with informed consent as to what those side effects are

those side effects are currently unknown, so mandates are totally unethical
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Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
arguing with fundamentalists is boring as fvvk, but its just fascinating to see how powerfully attached people can become to an ideology

one good sign - if the recent history of this thread is any indication, there are fewer vaccine extremists now than there was a year ago
You are arguing with people who don't have control of policy.

That is where the retardedness comes into play.

There is some underlying issue biasing your emotions.

I don't care what you do.

I just think it's funny. Follow your retarded bliss knowing I have no control over this issue.

You remind me of young goodman brown.



Duke status
Jan 22, 2016
they were wrong to do so

drugs often produce side effects that take a long time to discover

people who take drugs should do so with informed consent as to what those side effects are

those side effects are currently unknown, so mandates are totally unethical
Drugs you take long term might have long term side effects. A vaccine that leaves your body in days not so much. And you’re ignoring non-mRNA options.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
I account for my beliefs just fine. Overwhelming evidence shows the vaccine is safe, and side effects are far more mild than with COVID itself. Evidence also shows that you're far more likely do die from COVID if you're not vaccinated, even today.
Boy you are just dumb as a box of rocks.


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
Drugs you take long term might have long term side effects. A vaccine that leaves your body in days not so much
that is a hypothesis worthy of testing!

perhaps someday the scientific method will be applied to it and it will be proven true for the current batch of COVID vaccines

but even in that hypothetical future scenario, it will still be dumb to mandate that people get a vaccine for a disease that the person has already recovered from
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Duke status
Apr 8, 2006
i've always wondered... is a box of rocks more or less intelligent than a bag of hammers?
IDK but Mr. Nixon in high school told me I was a dumb as a box of rocks. He also told me I had the intelligence of a stump. He did that to a lot of people. He had a twinkle in his eye and we always knew he loved us, so it was cool.


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
And what did they say?
they said that mandating a vaccine (with no long term safety data) for people who have already recovered from the disease is indeed dumb as a bag of hammers but policy is driven by politics, perception of brand, and consensus of large numbers of dumb lemmings

they were also hopeful that the policy would change soon as public opinion is shifting

i share their optimism, but obviously there are still folks like yourself and @StuAzole who are pretty attached to the dumb mandates many of us are resisting and i think there are *lots* of folks who share your perspective, so we're still not there yet