Official Bird & Nature Post


Billy Hamilton status
Dec 8, 2017
Took a day trip to Sant Cruz Island Saturday where we Hiked 10 miles and got to see many Island Foxes, huge pods of common dolphins, and a couple whales in the channel. Pretty epic day!
island fox.jpg
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excuse the poor picture quality....
Dolphins were putting on a show! Thousands all jumping and racing the boat, lots of babies too! Not every day you get to see a couple of whales either! Foxes are strange out there. They are apparently part of the dog family, but act like cats.
cool to see as well!


Michael Peterson status
Apr 14, 2015
Los Angeles~California!
As i've taken 3 wounded gulls to the west l.a. animal shelter,
well i sometimes wonder if this bird is 1 of 'em, all fixed up, tagged + now free to roam:

it's 1 of my favorites birds,
likes to visit me when it sees me ah, eatin',
here, there or over yonder when i look for sharks to jump...
I just know it's squakin, sayin': "ya gotz a snack for me, rw?"

But this particular mornin', this early day,
i had no snack to share, as the sun beat down upon my tat'ed back
as i scanned thee waters off Los Angeles lookin' for another jumpin' shark.
Another time, my friend, 'nother time...
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Phil Edwards status
Sep 17, 2012
A place near home. In the mornings these turkey buzzards line up on the fence posts. Still haven't gotten a pic of all of them spreading their wings but they do it regularly and get spooked when I get too close or make too much movement. Sometimes about a dozen or so will line up in a row with no empty posts. I need a camera with a remote.



Phil Edwards status
Sep 17, 2012
My cat just caught a bat. Little mouse with wings. Killed it.
2 feral cats. I can't get within 20 feet of one and 50 feet of the other. They eat more mice, birds, rabbits, gophers than the cat food I feed them once per week. One of them caught and ate a bird of prey recently, either a red tail hawk or a falcon. There were feathers all over the place. They often cruise around at night and somehow manage to outsmart the coyotes, and they are all over the place around here.
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