*** Official 2023 Community Surf Journal ***

Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
It's a bad month for ERbb pups. Sorry yall.

I surfed for about an hour around the corner. Wind was wonky, lots of swell and and bounce, and wash through wide burgers.Crowd was not horrendous.

I got one fun one but I still feel like I'm getting over this cold/sinus infection thing and went in when the rain and wind shredded it.


Michael Peterson status
Dec 1, 2008


20 minutes, 6 guys out, and couldn't find one that went through. 4th of 6 in my heat. First loser, basically. Just needed one decent backup. The one I thought I had and swung for, the guy in front of me's leash caught the nose of my board and stopped me cold. FFFF... I said he Burkhart-ed me : me laughed. Had to.

On the plus side, I don't HAVE to surf THERE tomorrow. Ugh.


Michael Peterson status
Apr 13, 2016
Got to the beach late and for the first time in a long time it looked too blown out for my tastes. I drove down and found one reef that had a corner but it was swarmed with groms, no thanks. Took one last moto ride before selling it instead Of surfing. Hopefully I can score some Super Bowl waves tomorrow


Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The Bar
Swell definitely arrived today but it was pretty messy everywhere. A peak I usually like looked like it even had an occasional channel and there were a few nice waves coming through the churn but that channel was also very tied to a rip going half-mile out to sea. I've fought that battle before and decided to pass.

Opted for the more sheltered spot which looked small and crappy, even with offshore winds. Figured what the hell, took the 6'6" Senate out, waves turned on as the tide crept in. Chest to shoulder high closeouts for the most part but there were a few corners/wedges here and there. Very little paddling which was nice and only a few people out so could afford to be picky. I had really low expectations when I paddled out but it ended up being such a fun session, got a lot of nuggety barrels that went wide enough for me to fit into, and made quite a few of them. Definite day-brightener.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
Semi redemption sesh. Rode the swordfish as a twin trailer w/ the Fanno fins and it felt pretty good and well suited to the small, clean lil wedges. Better lefts than rights. Nothing epic but at least I got a bunch of waves and felt like I started to click with the board after a little while.

Nice to surf waves that weren't trying to murder me for a change.


Michael Peterson status
Apr 21, 2018
View attachment 147887
View attachment 147888

Packing up a swag ( roll up tent thingo), coupla boards, portable gas BBQ, beers and some weed, and pissing off halfway through the work day tomorrow to head to that not so secret sand bottom point break with a mate.

Sleeping over on the beach and then hitting it the next day again.

Whadya reckon @Retropete ... are we going to get skunked or not? :D

Great success.


need 4 speed

Phil Edwards status
Nov 1, 2003
Shoulder high predominately WNW with a little SW influence. Lot of energy, current, and some left over semi stormy funk with offshore wind trying to clean it up. Got a few and made some decent turns, feel like I'm starting to figure out the new 6-2 basalt twinzer. :shaka:


Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
Well, the junky waves I surfed today were even worse in comparison to this bullshit waxfoot be posting.

Still, it was pretty fun. All my good bros were out and despite the funky winds there were some long interval lines running across reef #2. Bomdia w/ hayden quads felt better than it did the first two sessions w/ the Album quads but that could be due to the waves being a little more surfable. Still figuring this thing out. Definitely some different stuff going on. Have had some good and not so good moments. It feels a little slow to come around off the bottom but then really fast to turn off the top. One nice slash on the inside bowl felt really good and overall I had a pretty fun session.


Michael Peterson status
Dec 1, 2008
Surfed an awful longboard spot on the bar of soap. Wife came with on the midlength. She commented, much to my surprise, that this makes 4 days in a row of surfing together.

Waves sucked, but my new surf buddy is getting stoked on all the new places we're going.

Oh, and booked Tavarua for October. #lookatmenow

Edit: On the self-awareness front, I've come to accept that I'm an older surfer in his 50s now. Almost 53. Fine. My style is straight outta the 70s & 80s, before we had cameras to help us work out the bullshit. Fine. So be it. All pictures from now on must be in the barrel or no picture at all. I just can't stand looking at it anymore. #realitybites


Michael Peterson status
Apr 13, 2016
Got a good redemption session today. Friendly crowd with tons of waves to go around. I rode the twinsman and it felt perfect. The wave shape was hit or miss but there were quite a few bowly ones. I did some of the most critical turns I’ve done in a while. I surfed for three hours and got more waves than I can count. I needed that session.


Michael Peterson status
Dec 1, 2008
Another day, another surf with wifey. The streak probably comes to an end today. But we had a good run.

Waves sucked today, by the way. Forecast on Saturday was OH. It wasn't. Should've used the bar of soap. Used my shortboard instead and suffered. Connected a total of 1 wave out of maybe 10. At least it was mostly just us. Not many people out suffering mid-day at the queen.

Forecast tomorrow is DOH. LOL. Won't be.


Miki Dora status
Feb 19, 2021
Southern Cali
You went mid-day? You, sir, are either extremely optimistic or a true hero to all surfers. I will subscribe to theory #2.
#3 I try to avoid big crowds whenever possible.

Most that I caught either closed out or fizzled out but did manage to get some fun ones.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
I know all I ever do on here is complain about the cold but today really was stupidly cold. There's snow visible on the mountains from the beach. The wind was offshore, strong and frigid. It hailed hard on me while I was surfing and I was half expecting to see a narwhal swim by. Had trouble deciding what to ride but settled on the swordfish as a thruster w/ the mayhem fins. It was probably not the ideal board as it ended up being bigger than it looked but it handled pretty well, all things considered. The waves were clean and mostly closed out but there were some very hollow corners to be had if one was lucky and/or good enough, which I mostly wasn't at least for the first frustrating half of the session. Eventually, maybe the tide finally hit a sweet spot, I got into a decent rhythm. It started with a shouldery left that allowed for a couple satisfying backside swoops. After that I paddled back to the same spot and got like four lefts in a row. Made one tube. Next one was a runner that didn't allow for turns but was fast and fun anyways. Finally a thick one cornered up and I got into it cleanly and pulled into a wide open section. I got a great view and traveled for a moment before getting absolutely flogged. I'm not sure exactly what happened but I think at one point my feet were sticking out of the top of the lip as I was getting rag dolled. Afterwards I think I was too numb to feel anything but now, hours later, my whole body hurts.

To quote Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, "I'm getting too old for this sh!t".
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Michael Peterson status
Apr 21, 2018
I know all I ever do on here is complain about the cold but today really was stupidly cold. There's snow visible on the mountains from the beach. The wind was offshore, strong and frigid. It hailed hard on me while I was surfing and I was half expecting to see a narwhal swim by. Had trouble deciding what to ride but settled on the swordfish as a thruster w/ the mayhem fins. It was probably not the ideal board as it ended up being bigger than it looked but it handled pretty well, all things considered. The waves were clean and mostly closed out but there were some very hollow corners to be had if one was lucky and/or good enough, which I mostly wasn't at least for the first frustrating half of the session. Eventually, maybe the tide finally hit a sweet spot, I got into a decent rhythm. It started with a shouldery left that allowed for a couple satisfying backside swoops. After that I paddled back to the same spot and got like four lefts in a row. Made one tube. Next one was a runner that didn't allow for turns but was fast and fun anyways. Finally a thick one cornered up and I got into it cleanly and pulled into a wide open section. I got a great view and traveled for a moment before getting absolutely flogged. I'm not sure exactly what happened but I think at one point my feet were sticking out of the top of the lip as I was getting rag dolled. Afterwards I think I was too numb to feel anything but now, hours later, my whole body hurts.

To quote Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon, "I'm getting too old for this sh!t".
If it makes you feel any better - my idyllic pics tell only part of the story. The next morning, my mate and I got Sodomized by horse flies. I'm alright with creepy crawlies, but even I freaked out a bit. The cnuts was eating us alive :D


Phil Edwards status
Jan 20, 2006
Sunny Coast Qld Australia
If it makes you feel any better - my idyllic pics tell only part of the story. The next morning, my mate and I got Sodomized by horse flies. I'm alright with creepy crawlies, but even I freaked out a bit. The cnuts was eating us alive :D
I'm sure it was worth it in the big scheme of things. I got back Sat arvo and went to pick up our Conure from the vets. He was on the mend. Now he's heaps better a few days later. Had a cracking sinus headache all Sat night and so didn't shake it off until about 9am Sunday morning. Got to Malex about 10am and it was big but the wind was starting to get into it so didn't bother. Ended up getting some fun waves albeit heaps smaller Mon/Tues there. Went to the Snapper for the dawn patrol today. Swell gone/crowd still there. All of 1', weak and sectiony. Didn't even bother. Skunked.IMG_0369.JPG
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Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
If it makes you feel any better - my idyllic pics tell only part of the story. The next morning, my mate and I got Sodomized by horse flies. I'm alright with creepy crawlies, but even I freaked out a bit. The cnuts was eating us alive :D
That does help, thank you!
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Duke status
Feb 20, 2003
didnt surf, again

  1. I have a story to tell
  2. so my friend who has a very good connections in the surf industry was tasked with throwing away 200 wetsuits. I had told him I’m a size medium, save me the mediums today he called me, said he had a surprise for me, and he came by and he gave me: one mens wetsuit with a hole in it and one woman’s wetsuit. out of 200 wetsuits and you couldn’t find a men’s medium? But I’m still stoked
  3. second part of the story

  4. After that, I was going to return some Tupperware to a woman that had given me some candy, and hopped on my E bike, and it had a flat tire. I did not have a can of fix a flat at home so I had to go and buy some. it used to be about eight dollars, now it’s 15. anyway, along my way what felt like a drop of rain landed on my face right on the corner of my mouth. It was a clear sky, so there was no way it was rain. I was hoping it was not bird sh!t, so I wiped it off my face with my sleeve, and on my sleeve was bird sh!t.