Neck pain and exercises


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
I went to the MD and PT for shoulder problems and was diagnosed with narrowing of discs in my neck (wear and tear....caused by surfing, the neck arched position and the hair flick)...which causes pain and tingling in my shoulder and arm, and a weird rash on my thumb and back the hand my MD seemed puzzled by the rash but it is in exactly the place I feel tingling when I bend my head back).

The PT did not give me much to do for the neck and when I do the exercises he did give me often I have a head ache the next day.

I know my surfing woes are due the neck, because during the last, prolonged flat spell I would go paddling. My shoulders were fine after long (3 mile) paddles. But I would spend much of the time with my head down. Now after two days of surfing my shoulder and neck are sore.

Anybody have neck issues and what do you do to alleviate the symptoms?


Phil Edwards status
Oct 19, 2007
I have herniated discs - it causes shoulder pain, some days I have tingly fingers, lately been having elbow pain.

I don't do anything specific other than watch my posture when surfing or sitting at a desk. It should get better.

Swallow Tail

Billy Hamilton status
Oct 6, 2017
Your Mom’s House
Short Periodic neck rest throughout the day - lay on back w a rolled up towel under your neck for 5-10 minutes.

posture when standing, sitting and laying down. Standing desk if your a desk jockey.

When getting something low - off the floor etc bend at knees & use a staggered stance.

when getting up from laying down - do it “side-ways” not sitting straight up- like folding chair.

I know people that have had great success with epidural shots. Know other people where it did absolutely nothing. It did nothing for me unfortunately.

I ended up w a 2 level disk replacement C5-C6 & C6-C7 after exhausting all other options with pain between 7-10 for many months (years w it not quite that bad). Way wavy better than a fusion IMO. Surgery should always be a last resort.

***maybe try another PT if you’re not getting what you need from the current one. They can be quite different and some much better than others, just like anything else.

Good luck
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