Mental Health thread


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
Detoxing off a round the clock, years long drinking habit, was pretty awful, and that was with a hospital bed and a constant stream of Ativan

2/7 do not recommend. But if you do need to detox from booze or benzos, do it with doctors and 100% transparency as to your usage level. They will literally save your life.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
Alcohol and benzo withdrawal can kill and be sneaky too. severe blood pressure drop killed my grandmother when they checked her into a discrete sanitarium, and the doctors just could not or would not believe that a woman of her position would actually just be a drunk, in a full blown detox. She died very quickly, when a few days on diazepam would have saved her.

that’s just one story
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
I managed to go cold turkey on booze, guess I wasn't physically addicted
as they say, some of us were/are sicker than others. I wore my lack of denial about my alcoholism like a coat of armor. My big “denial” was that I didn’t deny it. “Hey man I’m from a long line of drunks on both sides of the family tree, I’m well aware of what’s wrong with me, I’m not in denial, and im going to be be wed to this bottle until death or sobriety do us part”


Miki Dora status
Jan 14, 2002
Will kill you so easy, just when you think you got it for a second... Stroke!! (etc.)
Honesty for sure, you're lucky to get the one chance so do it right if you're gonna do it.
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
Saw a cardiologist for the first time yesterday. My primary doc has been gently and consistently pressing me to see him, because despite my clean, lean, low sugar and high octane exercise life habits, there were still some concern with my LDL, and with my CT calcium number (29).

cardiologist first remarked on my resting heart rate. 45. Like a sniper I said, and he laughed and agreed but suggested I not take up that line of work at my age. And he said “has anyone ever mentioned how low your heart rate is?” And I said no. And he asked if I do a lot of cardio. And I said yes, a lot; and it’s all HIIT style. So he says great, you have the heart of an athlete and allllll of your other indicators on the EKG and blood work and weight etc are fantastic.

which brings us to the concern. He said he can see from the EKG, and the various other results, that 3 of my 4 main heart valves are as clean as can be, with my exemplary healthy lifestyle. But the 4th is already starting to accumulate plaque. The dreaded “Widowmaker”. Pure genetic bad luck. And considering both my dad and his dad died of heart attacks, that puts me right in the cross hairs.

ironically he said it is precisely because all of my other markers and health indicators are so strong- that he was/is able to identify the danger.

Anyway, he said if the blood work I get done in a few weeks shows improvement in the LDL and some other less familiar cholesterol score, then it means my new-ish life of exercise and good eating is doing the right things, and that will be good enough for him, and then, it’s just a “thing” that will need lifelong attention, so I don’t drop dead at 50. Widow maker heart attacks have a disturbingly low survival rate even if you are literally IN a hospital when it happens. 25% survival in a hospital. That drops to single digits if you are not. No thanks.

And dammit, if those couple of indicators do NOT show improvement from my last full blood work a year or so ago, then the cardio said the dreaded statin word.

I completely reversed my entire health profile. Quit drinking. Drop 90 pounds. Exercise Vigorously nearly every day. Look and feel great. And yet because of that damn valve I may need statins to try and drop those numbers and slow the widowmaker from accumulating more plaque.



Phil Edwards status
Feb 25, 2006
I think I'm depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I literally hate it when the light comes through the window in the morning. Because I have to get up. I have no interest in surfing. I have no interest in anything really. Everything looks difficult. I have a funeral/wake to get through this week. Maybe after that...


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
I think I'm depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I literally hate it when the light comes through the window in the morning. Because I have to get up. I have no interest in surfing. I have no interest in anything really. Everything looks difficult. I have a funeral/wake to get through this week. Maybe after that...
My girl friend and I were talking about how we would kill ourselves.

Her step dad is in long term care dying and it's rough

I said I would take a suicide pill.

She say "You're not going to get a suicide pill. You are scared to ask for Vicoden when you have back surgery!" :roflmao:

Full disclosure, I did ask for more but I my Dr got all sad.

Then I felt bad.

EDIT, you were talking about going surfing not killing yourself.



Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
I think I'm depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I literally hate it when the light comes through the window in the morning. Because I have to get up. I have no interest in surfing. I have no interest in anything really. Everything looks difficult. I have a funeral/wake to get through this week. Maybe after that...
You are a California Viking no doubt. but Please do us a favor and call/email/talk to one of us or maybe someone sane even. Depression is as dangerous as anything. Especially for people who may not have ever really dealt with being depressed. It feels so goddamn unfair to feel that way
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Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
I think I'm depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I literally hate it when the light comes through the window in the morning. Because I have to get up. I have no interest in surfing. I have no interest in anything really. Everything looks difficult. I have a funeral/wake to get through this week. Maybe after that...
#metoo. Also loosing my sh!t over the most minor of stuff. Back on the herb for strictly medicinal purposes.


Miki Dora status
Feb 19, 2021
San Diego
cardiologist first remarked on my resting heart rate. 45.
I had to replace my old swim watch recently and the new one has a heart monitor. I think all athletic watches have them now. Anyway, I tripped when it said my average resting heart rate was in the forties. Thought something was wrong with me. I had no idea that it's normal for your heart rate to drop into the forties when you sleep.


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
I think I'm depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I literally hate it when the light comes through the window in the morning. Because I have to get up. I have no interest in surfing. I have no interest in anything really. Everything looks difficult. I have a funeral/wake to get through this week. Maybe after that...
Yeah. I experienced some truly joyful happiness a few weeks ago and was like, "holy sh!t, wtf is this?!?!". It had been so long that it was actually startling!
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Billy Hamilton status
Jan 20, 2011
I think I'm depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I literally hate it when the light comes through the window in the morning. Because I have to get up. I have no interest in surfing. I have no interest in anything really. Everything looks difficult. I have a funeral/wake to get through this week. Maybe after that...
Hang in there man...short walks helped me after my dad passed...even that little progress was something


Kelly Slater status
Sep 20, 2014
Don't think @Sharky just do.

Do what you know will make you feel better. Excersize, eat well, be with your loved ones and especially random acts of kindness to complete and utter strangers.

Since I was told about the Lupus, I have been like an empty shell. I kiss and hug my wife, but she tells me it's like, well, kissing and hugging an empty shell.

Typing this sitting in the car, 48°F outside, trying to motivate to paddle out for an hour into onshore slop.

So, looking forward to the hot shower after right now.

Hope you feel better brother.


Edit: few hours later...

No surfing, but man the hot shower was epic anyways when I got home.

This surfing stuff, decidedly for the young and stupid, especially in this frigid weather with onshore winds and waves that double over snd crumble, allowing for all of 10 meter rides before they suss out and become antiwaves with the current destroying any chance of a wall to run across or turn off of... fuggetaboutit!
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Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
I think I'm depressed. I don't want to get out of bed. I literally hate it when the light comes through the window in the morning. Because I have to get up. I have no interest in surfing. I have no interest in anything really. Everything looks difficult. I have a funeral/wake to get through this week. Maybe after that...

For me, allowing people to reach out and reaching out to people helped a lot. Taking people up on offers when they said "If there's anything I can do, let me know". Even little things. Grocery store, picking someone/something up, driving. It was fortifying.

Just picking up the phone or meeting up with people whether they were friends, family, or a therapist.
I went to a lot of Al-Anon meetings which helped too.
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