Mental Health thread


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
you are all more than sick of my Ireland-related thread hijacks, but., one more: that trip was THE final thing I needed to shake off the last of the 2020 blues...i literally feel back to my normal predominantly positive and cheerful self. at least so far, 4 days after the trip.

Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
Turns out I have Informal Caregiver Burnout Syndrome ... didn't even know it was a thing back before COVID started, when we decided to take my then 86 yo mother in as a permanent resident for whom I quit working to provide for her care.
You know during airline flight prep, when staff is demonstrating what do if the cabin loses pressure, they say something like, "Put your O2 mask on first, then your child's."

Metaphorically, do that for yourself once in a while.

Taking care of mom is great and all, but if you aren't there for it, you run this risk.


Kelly Slater status
Sep 20, 2014
Donut hole
Wind stopped this morning, got 2 hours with a bunch of friends, my shaper, his wife and their 2 boys among them. Waves were puny, biggest set barely made waist high... but Man did we have fun watching the kids and pushing them into the sets, they were shoulder to head high for them.

Mental Health credits accumulated in spades.

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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
After nearly being killed by a botched pace maker implant on Tuesday my mom is now home and her lung “appears to be reattaching nicely” say the goddamn incompetent butchers that burst her lung in the first place. Spoke to an infamous (and super friendly and cool) mal practice attorney that’s friends with my former assistants father. He took a solid hour to talk me through just how STACKED the deck is against older folks that have suffered egregious and nearly fatal errors.

first step: the hospital insurance attorneys will delay for up to 2 years even WITH my attorneys countering every delaying tactic. He said delay tactics are common. And in these types of cases they are just hoping the patient or the spouse (or both) die before any settlement or trial is reached.

also; he said that while of of course we all want her to just survive the error with no permanent damage; which so far seems to be the case, he said it’s a sad simple truth that even with such a horrific mistake, if the patient is “better” then it’s nearly impossible to get a quick settlement from the hospital. He said they would gladly go to trial (which we have zero interest in wasting our precious time on) because it’s a crap shoot whether the jury will actually find for a plaintiff who is NOW in relatively fine health.

Well. He’s right. She’s alive and mending no thanks to the Cleveland clinic at Indian River hospital. They even screwed up her discharge. Meds were all wrong, some prescriptions missing altogether. Place is an abattoir


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Temperament, which is a gift from the god Kairos, is a huge factor.

Next, I would say good self regulation strategies that work for you.

If you can manage your visceral state, your mental state shouldn't give you too much trouble.
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Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
After nearly being killed by a botched pace maker implant on Tuesday my mom is now home and her lung “appears to be reattaching nicely” say the goddamn incompetent butchers that burst her lung in the first place.
So your mom got a pneumothorax during pacemaker implantation?

That's one of the known risks of the procedure.

And how do you know the person performing the procedure was a "goddamn incompetent butcher"?
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Kelly Slater status
Sep 20, 2014
Donut hole
9'0 single retro gun, 1.8 meters @ 15 secs, everyone in the parking area "waiting for a friend, waiting for the tide, brought the wrong surfboart"...

So good for mental health, sitting half hours alone out there, waiting for the sets. Even better, they were double ups where the back wave came in faster than the first. Just had to tip into the 2nd, catch up to the 1st, and rifle down the line, no hopes of laying rail anywhere, just looking for safe exits before they detonated onto the rocks.

Caught my leash on the bottom on the last one riding it in a tad too far.

Exhilarated, drained, wobbly arms and oh so sore back, but feeling fully replenished mentally.

Thank you Pontus!

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