Looking to buy a CI Mongrel need some advice and help?

Jun 18, 2004
Well, IM serious thinking hard about purchasing a CI Mongrel. But, the problem is I know nothing about it I've been surfing for about over a year now. I wanted something for small waves to head high occasionally. But, even the dimensions IM not to sure about. IM about 5'9 155-160 I was leaning towards a 6'0 or maybe a 5'11. I was looking for advice on if the board would suit me or not. If I needed to go bigger smaller how thick so forth. IM living in Boca Raton, FL close to Jupiter and Sebastian this is the type of surf IM seeing. Thank you to everyone or anyone who may be reading this post.


Kelly Slater status
Sep 14, 2003
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saw plenty of mongrels when i was in ca and they seem liek they would surf very well in small florida surf. (whats large florida surf?)

the board is pretty full. gotta nice full nose to it and all. looks sweet. if i didnt make my own board/ wasn't poor i would def chose a mongrel as one of my top boards to buy.

tfad, jjr, or someone owning one will help u out more.