Leftist Thought in 2 Minutes


Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
Saying Thruster is a Russian spy is not illegal.
When you actually examine the objective facts about Thruster and Russia connections this is reasonable assumption, Let me guess Russia did not want Thruster to win in 16 right? Or that Thruster has never had a bad word to say about Putin, even taking his word over our intelligence agencies. Or Don Jr actually saying that most of their money comes from Russia about a decade ago?
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Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach

She specifically mentions climate change as being a topic that should (will?) be regulated.

Like everything government they start with the most palatable justification, such as vaccine "misinformation" (much of which proved to be true btw lol) during a pandemic, and then use that to justify controlling other narratives that are against their interests.
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Duke status
Jun 25, 2008
Misinformation is protected speech.
libel and slander are not protected

She specifically mentions climate change as being a topic that should (will?) be regulated.

Like everything government they start with the most palatable justification, such as vaccine "misinformation" (much of which proved to be true btw lol) during a pandemic, and then use that to justify controlling other narratives that are against their interests.
steel trap has entered the chat!


Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
She specifically mentions climate change as being a topic that should (will?) be regulated.

Like everything government they start with the most palatable justification, such as vaccine "misinformation" (much of which proved to be true btw lol) during a pandemic, and then use that to justify controlling other narratives that are against their interests.
We can trust the benevolent multi national corporations to do the right thing right?


Phil Edwards status
May 21, 2002
Hell Cajon, Ca
She specifically mentions climate change as being a topic that should (will?) be regulated.

Like everything government they start with the most palatable justification, such as vaccine "misinformation" (much of which proved to be true btw lol) during a pandemic, and then use that to justify controlling other narratives that are against their interests.
Ok but the people arguing on the same side as you, over CDC messaging on vaccine safety and efficacy; over human influenced climate change; over an MSM narrative that Thruster was an Russian Asset (not spy, an unwitting helper) were essentially saying all those things are, from your perspective, misinformation.

I realize you’re arguing that if a government entity is deciding what is or isn’t “misinformation” that creates all sorts of 1984 scenarios.

We also can’t really trust the free marked to make that determination either.

So it’s a bit of a pickle.
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Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
We can trust the benevolent multi national corporations to do the right thing right?
No, we can't.

However that doesn't change anything about what I wrote above. She literally said that the government will use this legislation and partnership to drive public opinion and silence opposition.
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Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
No, we can't.

However that doesn't change anything about what I wrote above. She literally said allowed that she will use this partnership to drive public opinion and silence opposition.
And the corporations do the exact same thing, except unelected and largely unaccountable.
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Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
Ok but the people arguing on the same side as you, over CDC messaging on vaccine safety and efficacy; over human influenced climate change; over an MSM narrative that Thruster was an Russian Asset (not spy, an unwitting helper) were essentially saying all those things are, from your perspective, misinformation.

I realize you’re arguing that if a government entity is deciding what is or isn’t “misinformation” that creates all sorts of 1984 scenarios.

We also can’t really trust the free marked to make that determination either.

So it’s a bit of a pickle.
It's not a pickle at all

It's up to the individual himself to determine. Any entity that makes this determination is subject to bias.
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Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
Ok but the people arguing on the same side as you, over CDC messaging on vaccine safety and efficacy; over human influenced climate change; over an MSM narrative that Thruster was an Russian Asset (not spy, an unwitting helper) were essentially saying all those things are, from your perspective, misinformation.
I don't really GAF what they believe. I'm not them. I'm not on the side who is asking the government and big corps to enforce any specific narrative.

I realize you’re arguing that if a government entity is deciding what is or isn’t “misinformation” that creates all sorts of 1984 scenarios.
It does. They aren't even hiding it anymore. She said it out loud that climate change will be next.

We also can’t really trust the free marked to make that determination either.
Not the free market's job. However big corps will gladly work hand in hand with government to push narratives that benefit them and keep them in power, which is the antithesis of the free market.
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Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
And the corporations do the exact same thing,
So what? You have a choice to patronize corporations that have different products and messaging. What she is talking about is mandating specific narratives across all platforms and sources, which is far more broad and extensive in scope.

except unelected and largely unaccountable.
LOLZ, this is simply wrong. You vote for corporations every time you take your wallet out and pay for/buy something. You don't have perfect choices in all scenarios, such as when you need to fill your tank, but you get to vote for McDonalds or the local deli every time you buy yourself lunch. Same goes for the clothes on your back, what you watch on TV, the stuff you use in your daily life, where/how you travel . . . . The list goes on.

Government has far less accountability. How many jobs exist in the private sector where you can get elected, literally not do a damn thing, and keep your job for 4 years? You may get to vote for specific people but you have little control over what legislation gets passed, and once it's in place it is very difficult to reverse.
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Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
No, we can't.

However that doesn't change anything about what I wrote above. She literally said allowed that she will use this partnership to drive public opinion and silence opposition.
And the corporations do the exact same thing, except unelected and la
So what? You have a choice to patronize corporations that have different products and messaging. What she is talking about is mandating specific narratives across all platforms and sources, which is far more broad and extensive in scope.

LOLZ, this is simply wrong. You vote for corporations every time you take your wallet out and pay for/buy something. You don't have perfect choices in all scenarios, such as when you need to fill your tank, but you get to vote for McDonalds or the local deli every time you buy yourself lunch. Same goes for the clothes on your back, what you watch on TV, the stuff you use in your daily life, where/how you travel . . . . The list goes on.

Government has far less accountability. How many jobs exist in the private sector where you can get elected, literally not do a damn thing, and keep your job for 4 years? You may get to vote for specific people but you have little control over what legislation gets passed, and once it's in place it is very difficult to reverse.
Just plain wrong, corporations have increasingly become more monopolistic where the customer is irrelevant. Of course you think the record profits are unconnected with inflation, right shill?
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Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
And the corporations do the exact same thing, except unelected and la
Yet there are still outlets, and always have been, that still have the right to say what they want. You elect them with your wallet and eyeballs.

Just plain wrong, corporations have increasingly become more monopolistic where the customer is irrelevant.
So you are forced to eat McDonalds? Why- is it that or Chipotle that are your only choices? Why not pack a lunch?

Are you forced to wear cheap clothes made in Chinese sweatshops?

Of course you think the record profits are unconnected with inflation, right shill?
Cool Red Herring bro!

I don't doubt that there was some opportunistic price gouging but that is a secondary factor. Printing $5T had a far greater effect, and literally anyone with a baseline understanding of global finance and economics could tell you that.


Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
Yet there are still outlets, and always have been, that still have the right to say what they want. You elect them with your wallet and eyeballs.

So you are forced to eat McDonalds? Why- is it that or Chipotle that are your only choices? Why not pack a lunch?

Are you forced to wear cheap clothes made in Chinese sweatshops?

Cool Red Herring bro!

I don't doubt that there was some opportunistic price gouging but that is a secondary factor. Printing $5T had a far greater effect, and literally anyone with a baseline understanding of global finance and economics could tell you that.
Enjoy your free market fantasy, your masters thank you. BTW most of money printing was during the Thruster administration and Soft Top gets blamed for it as always by dim witted easily propagandized mouthbreathers.
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