First of all… It’s hard to believe anyone, even ReFo, is crying for a 2nd generation San Clemente pro surfer who presumably has been paid to surf by sponsors since he was like 14. For several years, he supposedly made shockingly serious coin from Target, Hurley, Nike, RedBull during the industry boom times. He was maybe unrealistically touted as the next KS but clearly didn’t come close in either influence nor results. I don’t know his WSL record offhand but hard to remember many (if any) big wins. Why is he owed anything now? Hard to claim the industry has treated him unfairly. He’s inarguably a very talented surfer, but are you guys honestly inspired/ excited by his surfing?
I don’t doubt his FCS fin template is popular, but that’s not necessarily because of him IMO. At this point, I’m also skeptical that groms are that excited by him- but what do I know. Surely he’s even been supplanted in the aspirational SC local legend status by the Cola bros and the new SoCal tour rookies. I guess we’ll see if anyone outside of San Clemente buys “2%” merch.