John John qualified to surf in radiation poisoned Olympics - congratulations on your death sentence

Jan 8, 2020
If it helps you get a sense of the person / energy who is sharing all this vital information, here is more about her:

When you input the words “supermodel surfer” on YouTube, she is #1 and has two videos in the top 10:

also with this one in like, top 20


When you input the word “A List Supermodel” or “Supermodel Icon” on YouTube, she is consistently ranked in the top 5.

Most importantly: when you input “Supermodel Activist” on YouTube she is consistently ranked in the top 5; and when you input “Supermodel Environmentalist” on YouTube, as of right now she is #1 with two videos in the top 10.


Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
If it helps you get a sense of the person / energy who is sharing all this vital information, here is more about her:

When you input the words “supermodel surfer” on YouTube, she is #1 and has two videos in the top 10:

also with this one in like, top 20


When you input the word “A List Supermodel” or “Supermodel Icon” on YouTube, she is consistently ranked in the top 5.

Most importantly: when you input “Supermodel Activist” on YouTube she is consistently ranked in the top 5; and when you input “Supermodel Environmentalist” on YouTube, as of right now she is #1 with two videos in the top 10.
She also has the most recently created erBB user name.

Ps, you don't come up on YouTube or google when I search those things. Alana blanchard does though.


Phil Edwards status
Oct 26, 2005
Nice leg spread to possible hairy beav by the queen of surfing.

For the sake of mankind, and I mean males, we should all thank god she is a lesbo. She is nucking futs.
Jan 8, 2020
There are too many facts indicating that indeed, the entire planet is in the middle of world war III,

so how can anyone contemplate getting pregnant or bringing a child into this Earth?

Now is not the time to celebrate any pregnancy or birth.

If world war III doesn’t have you convinced, check out these facts about climate change and this planet’s seemingly inevitable doom, from the captain of SupermodelSurfer

The only person abusing his anus is him
I can't return to this thread is because it challenges me to sleep when there is this much energetic activity around me. That’s why I remain grateful that you wipe us messengers from your memory and only keep the message.

So here I respond to something from pre-page 5
for the boys who dress like girls
so if anyone tries to f$ck with a real (monogamous good) girl
this honor code drag queen global army
jumps in front of the real girl
as if taking the bullet
“Hey pick on me instead;
my heels and hair are higher than that real girl’s.”

They understand anus abuse⁉

This is my letter to boys in drag
the unconditional love hAir Force

This is also my final FareWell to my celebrity “friends” and I wipe you all off me like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


"Never Broke Character For Role In Dallas Buyers Club”
-Elle, New York Times,,

art imitating life?

Andrew of MGMT wrote several songs for / about me.
1 of my faves:

Flash Delirium was “our” dog.

a drag defender of the galaxy & me January 28


I don’t wear colorful clothing - the gay pride flag covering my knees doesn’t count.

another SuperShero - same night touches my shoulder❤


Happy Birthday Andrew from TransgenderLand. This is FareWell.


I cheer up by googling “gay surfers."(y)

❗Newsflash straight people, with all due respect:
about the Boys Club "undercurrent that rules the world"
stuff not spoken out loud

drag queens constantly, ongoing spill the beans on all of it and keep us good girls updated. YUP.
Drag queens fill us good girls in on the TRUTH, on THE BOYS CLUB "undercurrent supposed to rule the world," so we may stay ahead of it, and can protect ourselves.
So straight boys, with all due respect, don't be surprised, that the nicest girls
wind up in the LGQTA community under the protection of drag queens who keep us abreast of the true "male" agenda underneath everything.
Gays are snitches on the global chauvinistic boys club!

CIA (cocaine importation agency?) boss was aptly named Hoover.


JEH was an awesome tranny. FareWell(?) Captain.

So how can nice girls constantly updated of the "heterosexual male" agenda thanks to drag queens, really ever submit ourselves to heteroland? Lesbian land is just better for our self preservation. Ultimately though the best marriage is to #LoveYourself.

That is why so many beautiful girls, when they learn from gays and drag queens that
(the “smart” ones make it seem like an accident, or never get caught)
or they won't be able to keep their livelihood, because misogyny towards (a non monogamous) wife or girlfriend is mandatory as the opt in to hetero world society,
they decide we're better off without dick.

Come to a lesbian / gay club or event and observe what's also going on:
drag queens updating the good girls on "the plots of heterosexual males diminishing their wife or girlfriend in a way the the dude's gotta make it seem accidental, or not get caught.”

Thank you so much to the LGQTA for saving me from a life where my (monogamous?) straight spouse f*cks up and acts like it wasn't on purpose, oh, BUT IT WAS.
And then the not so happy ending.

Which is why the gays opt out of all that sh$t. This is smart because what goes around comes around - anyone “pulling the rug out from underneath anyone” is actually throwing a boomerang...

We wish hetero land could play fair.. But girls like me are constantly made aware with exactly how unfair and potentially lethal it is, with updates from drag queens

That’s why some LGQTA claim to be “hardcore-since childhood” lesbian or gay - just so NO ONE can trap us in that polyamorous neurological bankruptcy.

When a lesbian announces herself, it’s to let everyone around understand she is aware of the covert male agenda, so don’t even try to "turn me into your next victim!"

Are some LGQTA girls the Kings of Drag?


It’s 2/2 and I’m the one in blue.

February 3:
Drag Princesses don’t get all dolled up because of how much they like dudes (as if!)
Drag Princesses get all dolled up because they LOVE good girls and protecting us.
If this was high school, drag princesses are the cute “nerds” who ingratiate themselves with good girls by gifting us a safe haven from a whack society.


THEY are a good girl’s best friend. No one else walks in our shoes but drag queens. THAT is empathy. Everyone in the photo above was born with a penis (except me in their audience, wearing the white, cut-up, deconstructed T shirt.)

PS the top 233 gay & lesbian bloggers + the top 144 in LGQTA media / nightclubs + the top 100 media outlets that come up on searches on "gay / lesbian surfers,” global pride organizers, + top 42 trans blogs + top 100 drag activists have been personally emailed this thread, by me, stating I decode drag & gay land once and for all. I invited ALL of the above to comment in case I am not accurate.

I have also personally emailed this thread to "all" surf media, top surf labels, top surf photographers & surfboard shapers, top 100 surf camps, the WSL, top 233 vegan & top 55 breatharian activists, our world wakes up to world war III.

In total I have personally emailed this thread to over 1000 of the aforementioned world’s top activists.



I believed I was going to be “together forever” with John John or Jared since we were set to manage the White House 2024-2040 as an LGQTA team, that I am devastated to find out they are likely clones / A.I.
and if so
ass-raped trafficked incest prisoners.
I am on the mend from all of this.
I have been 100% celibate (no kissing even) since September 2016 and had a secret pact with Leonardo, Jared, and John to remain that way until 2044 so they 3 could be in the White House together with me managing global environmental issues and no one would be jealous. To facilitate this, we were set to lie to the world that I had some contagious disease and “no one could touch me - just let her surf and she’ll be happy” was going to be our global cover story and to all White House staff as well. All 3 of them wanted to remain the #1 boy in my life so we came up with this solution. What girl would give up the other 2 boys just to have sex with 1 of them?
That way, I would have kept all 3.

These days are gone forever


I should just let them go
but i can see you
your brown skin shining in the sun...

my love for you
was my own self love
after the Boys of Summer have gone.”
FareWell best friend.

THANK YOU everyone for your support. This is my final response. If I ever post again on this thread, never trust me again 'cause I don't keep my word.

Namaste y'all :drowning:

Final Wisdom: The real WIN in life is to STAND ALONE
not needing someone else to complete you-
an alpha of your species. And from what I understand, only alphas survive.

A true way to remain in existence is to be self-contained and so enchanted with the gift of existence in itself, you really don't need (or even want) anyone else around (just like when we surfed).

And we certainly don't need anyone who has us go from being
into doing.

It is easy for me to live self-realized now like a monk because CURRENT further research as of today only shockingly indicates that ALL celebrities are actually “satan” trying to infiltrate the human race.

So farewell
John John

Jared Leto
Justin Bieber
Billy Corgan
Jason Lewis
Andrew of MGMT
Jakob Dylan

and all celebrity “devil” incarnates

whose karma is pedofile gang rape incest insovereignty.

Since the good defaults in forgiveness, I sincerely hope y'all turn it around and evolve into your own honorable highest power.

I sure am glad I NEVER even kissed any of you! Or anything more...I was always saving it ALL for marriage even while we were engaged.

We’re not the only ones who feel this way. Final line from The Matrix:
“Beware of the girl in the red dress.”

“Time to part that Red Sea,” (ho)Mo says.

“This is it boys -


this is war - as 99 red balloons go by.”
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