It comes from China


Duke status
Nov 21, 2008
The Californias
You should be proud of your President, not backing down after china shifted the blame to America
He's doing exactly what all y'all have been doing.

It's exactly why Japanese interment camps and Muslin ban happened.

Because people are dumb, filled with hate and eager to blame an entire nationality.


Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
It did start in China, however Trump is using this purely as a distraction and to rile up the idiot base.
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Duke status
Nov 21, 2008
The Californias
China deserves to be called out for this. Their cultural practices created it, and their government's response (or lack thereof) allowed it to spread to the world.

Until China apologizes and pays reparations to the world, they cannot be called out enough.
Who exactly in China?

There are 1.3 billion people who live there idiot.

Is Iraq war your fault and should you apologize for it?

It's your culture right?


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
Okay so blaming it on "Chinese culture" and entire Chinese population is fucking stupid and racist.

Since you ommited the rest of my post.
The wet markets are a cultural phenomena, supplied by the poor and patronized by the wealthy. That’s cultural in China in the same way that being a fat ass walking through Wal Mart is in America. Not all partake, but enough do where it becomes an issue.

Plus, if the Chinese government spent 1 ppm on food safety enforcement relative to what they spend on spying on their own citizens, we wouldn’t have this mess in the first place.


Miki Dora status
Aug 3, 2019
The Chinese government, and the rich clientele that for some ungodly reason patronizes the wet markets, needs to be shamed and shamed hard for this. This is not the fist pandemic they have birthed. If they keep this up, maybe the next one has a 70% fatality rate. At that point, they have killed the world. The problem are the morons who see some Vietnamese guy in The Valley and decide to make him responsible for this mess. That is obviously unspeakably stupid. But the Chinese government would LOVE to scream racism and have their responsibility mitigated re this. It would probably be best if Trump did not refer to it as the Chinese virus. The Wuhan Virus works. Let's not let those responsible dodge and hide behind claims of racism.

And let's not forget that the lions share of empathy here should be reserved for the thousands (soon to be millions?) of people that have lost their lives or had their lives permanently altered and the families that have been ripped apart by this. Not to mention the economic ruination that will decimate millions of people before this is done. This is a global fvcking disaster and it really looks like it could have been avoided. Never again. Not like this.