Do kids give as little respect to subs today as back in the day?
If it's the first time you're there, yes. This was around 15 years ago but the respect depends on your approach, demeanor, and reputation.
The initial interaction is key.
You have to be firm but also show respect (even when it's not deserved) and never be their friend. And know your age group.
For instance, in elementary ed the younger kids need specifics (i.e. be constantly directed specifically what to do) and pretty much all elementary ed kids need routine so you have to live by that.
My modus operandi would be Mr. Serious, projecting a sense of straightface order...but let myself crack a surprise smile a few times a day so they still knew I'm human. Keeping them scratching their heads is good. Surprising them with a game of heads up 7 up for the last 15 minutes of the day helped reinforce you are not a dick, you just expect order and getting sh!t done, and when I was the sub it got done.
High school was a totally different approach.
You have to have reasonable expectations too. Know if you're white or Latino that an elementary school class in a black school in the hood is probably not going to respect you. It could get pretty nuts in those classrooms because the black teachers use a very harsh approach and many are not afraid to get physical with the kids. The black teachers always had my back in those schools, spying on the kids through the windows and bringing down a surprise hammer if need be - I appreciated it.
Assuming yes, did how did you handle roomfuls of kids letting you know they didn’t give a fuck about anything you said d, did, or thought?
Emotionally, what was that like for you?
Why would I care what the mind of a child thought about me?