Intermittent Fasting


Duke status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
There isn't a good day. Fasting works for people who respond to fasting as a way to manage calorie intake. As active as you are you probably need to focus more on getting enough macronutrients. If you're putting in that much work but not feeding the machine you're wasting it.
Yeah, I know I need to eat more, especially protein. I'm conscious of that. I don't think fasting will be part of my program. My body type is such that sarcopenia may become an issue. I saw my g-pa who lived to 103 get really skinny.

I tried some fasting when I was in my twenties. It was more of a mind bending experiment. I once fasted (just water) for 7 days. After a couple days the hunger pangs are gone. It's more a question of overcoming psychological conditioning. During the long fast I started craving donuts and when the time came to break my fast, which I should have done with a salad, I ate donuts. 20 somethings. :foreheadslap: :crazy2:


Duke status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
that's a very good life you are having. I get the impression that you are fairly lean, quite likely got no insulin resistance with all the exercise you have been doing - a long distance runner for many years, hiking and surfing. Now that you are not teaching, enjoying a lower stress life no doubt. Even if intermittent fasting could theoretically extend life, there is a balance between life quality and longevity and your balance seems a healthy one.
I do have a sweet tooth, but I've been cutting back. This past week however we were in San Francisco and lodged close to Ghirardelli's, a famous chocolatier. Their hot chocolate, in cold windy San Francisco, was like heroin.:beer:


Phil Edwards status
Feb 19, 2021
San Diego
After a week of 16/8 (16 hours fasting and 8 eating), I can report no weight loss, significantly more energy, less inflammation, and seem clearer-headed and more focused. Only tripped up once from going to a nightclub that included late-night drinking and snacking.

Mr J

Michael Peterson status
Aug 18, 2003
Regional Vic, Australia
After a week of 16/8 (16 hours fasting and 8 eating), I can report no weight loss, significantly more energy, less inflammation, and seem clearer-headed and more focused. Only tripped up once from going to a nightclub that included late-night drinking and snacking.
that's great that you can do it with an improved quality of life rather than a reduced one. The last time I fasted was a couple of years ago in preparation for a colonscopy and it made me feel really cold which made doing my sedentary desk job unpleasant.

So after just 1 week it would seem too good to be true that you could get improved insulin sensitivity, however I know nothing about this so I asked ChatGpt. Looks quite promising. When are you going to get measured for improvement?

When using ChatGpt to write code its sometimes handed me something that is not quite right, sometimes I can spot that or find out when testing it. So I asked it "who is the Dr Edelson you mentioned in your answer? " and I got a fairly poor response "" - "I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any specific information about Dr. Edelson from my search results. The only mention of Dr. Edelson I found was in the context of reversing insulin resistance 1. Is there anything else I can help you with? "

So I decided to do my own internet search on "Dr Edelson" - solid looking credentials.


Mr J

Michael Peterson status
Aug 18, 2003
Regional Vic, Australia
I do have a sweet tooth, but I've been cutting back. This past week however we were in San Francisco and lodged close to Ghirardelli's, a famous chocolatier. Their hot chocolate, in cold windy San Francisco, was like heroin.:beer:
I know that brand Ghirardelli, I wouldn't touch a hot chocolate, but some 95% cocoa squares, absolutely!

You are on holiday and don't have my problem. Like everyone here I am lucky with some aspects of health and unlucky in others. My unfortunate genetics is that I have a rare form of glucose intolerance, 2 specialists (endocrinologist and haematologist) think something has gone wrong with my "incretin" hormone system, the ones that are produced in the lower intestine. In a normal person they cause an early release of insulin, there are other mechanisms for stimulating insulin and they are apparently working in me, but they kick in later. So I have to be careful to keep carbs/glycaemic index low or my blood sugar spikes before returning to normal. The incretin theory is not provable, however what has been proved is that my glucose intolerance is not insulin resistance (as in type 2 diabetes), in fact I am insulin sensitive. So there is no motivation for me to use intermittent fasting for insulin sensitivity reasons.

And on the subject of that hot chocolate, ChatGpt warns that they vary, but maybe not so bad


Phil Edwards status
Feb 19, 2021
San Diego
So after just 1 week it would seem too good to be true that you could get improved insulin sensitivity, however I know nothing about this so I asked ChatGpt. Looks quite promising. When are you going to get measured for improvement?
According to what I've read (mostly Dr. Jason Fung), the quickest results for reversing insulin resistance are achieved from extended fasting, and proper diet of course. The last few blood tests that I've had in recent years indicate that I'm bordering on being pre-diabetic, probably because I've always had a sweet tooth, so I'm not overly concerned with that and am approaching it more like a slight lifestyle change. Also, being 61 means that I need to be careful about losing lean mass so extended fasting is probably a bad idea. The processes, and their benefits, of things like ketosis and autophagy are activated with shorter periods of IF anyway.

Mr J

Michael Peterson status
Aug 18, 2003
Regional Vic, Australia
According to what I've read (mostly Dr. Jason Fung), the quickest results for reversing insulin resistance are achieved from extended fasting, and proper diet of course. The last few blood tests that I've had in recent years indicate that I'm bordering on being pre-diabetic, probably because I've always had a sweet tooth, so I'm not overly concerned with that and am approaching it more like a slight lifestyle change. Also, being 61 means that I need to be careful about losing lean mass so extended fasting is probably a bad idea. The processes, and their benefits, of things like ketosis and autophagy are activated with shorter periods of IF anyway.
what was happening with me was that a fasting blood glucose would show normal because I am not type 2 diabetic/pre-diabetic, but a HbA1c showed pre-diabetic. The latter is a test of overall levels over the last months, so the spikes from my theoretical poor incretin response was knocking that level up.

That was discovered about 15 yrs ago, I'm 62 now so bought a really cheap blood glucose monitor last year to reassure myself the fasting situation had not changed. Other than keep carbs/glycaemic index low there is nothing I can do to improve my situation, so that's what I do. Due to poor peristalsis reasons I have to keep meals small, which means that to get the energy I need to maintain my weight I need to eat frequently. When I am not injured and active I need about 2,200 kilocalories daily to maintain my 52kg weight. You don't have my incretin/peristalsis problems!


Tom Curren status
Feb 22, 2005
Central California
I've been intermittent fasting for a while now and I've definitely seen an improvement in my weight.

Here's the schedule that's been working for me:

Wake up around the crack of noon.

Consume a package of bologna and a bottle of vodka.

Wander to the bar.

Do a bunch of blow.

Leave at closing time.

Bang a couple of 10's (at the same time).

Do it all again the next day.

Skinny as a rail :cool:


Duke status
Feb 27, 2009
8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death…
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Miki Dora status
Jan 22, 2006
BS study. They did not get a sample of people with the same biomarkers or same diet.
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Duke status
Dec 17, 2008


Kelly Slater status
Feb 25, 2006
8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death…
Like who couldn't figure out that intermittent fisting is bad for you...
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Miki Dora status
Oct 7, 2020
I tried interment fasting before I started the carnivore diet. I tried it to see if i could pinpoint what was causing my eczema and didn't eat anything after 7pm and then didn't start eating the next day until 9am or 10am - so 14-15 hour fasting.

I stopped drinking alcohol for 30 days too and I was really able to flush out my system and pinpoint how each food i consumed affected my body. I would suggest that timescale. I felt good. I was able to sleep better. I also cut out sugar alcohol and bread.

When that didn't work I switched to carnivore, which wasn't that hard because I was already eating less, but it was challenging to find different kinds of meat to eat that didn't cost thousands of dollars a month. lol. Sardines, Herring, Tuna and Chicken are pretty cheap sources of protein (if you decide to go carnivore route).


Phil Edwards status
Feb 19, 2021
San Diego
I tried interment fasting before I started the carnivore diet. I tried it to see if i could pinpoint what was causing my eczema and didn't eat anything after 7pm and then didn't start eating the next day until 9am or 10am - so 14-15 hour fasting.

I stopped drinking alcohol for 30 days too and I was really able to flush out my system and pinpoint how each food i consumed affected my body. I would suggest that timescale. I felt good. I was able to sleep better. I also cut out sugar alcohol and bread.

When that didn't work I switched to carnivore, which wasn't that hard because I was already eating less, but it was challenging to find different kinds of meat to eat that didn't cost thousands of dollars a month. lol. Sardines, Herring, Tuna and Chicken are pretty cheap sources of protein (if you decide to go carnivore route).
A low-lectin or Plant Paradox diet makes the lifelong eczema that I have go away.
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Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death…
The study debunks itself….

“The study’s limitations included its reliance on self-reported dietary information, which may be affected by participant’s memory or recall and may not accurately assess typical eating patterns. Factors that may also play a role in health, outside of daily duration of eating and cause of death, were not included in the analysis.”

So self reported IF and no info on what the people actually ate.


“One of those details involves the nutrient quality of the diets typical of the different subsets of participants. Without this information, it cannot be determined if nutrient density might be an alternate explanation to the findings that currently focus on the window of time for eating. Second, it needs to be emphasized that categorization into the different windows of time-restricted eating was determined on the basis of just two days of dietary intake,”

They also didn’t factor in the participants weight, or any other demographic information at all.

Why any of this would even be posted online is a mystery. Complete poppycock.
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Phil Edwards status
Feb 19, 2021
San Diego
Interesting! The carnivore diet calls for no veggies, wheat, or nuts either.

Did your eczema go away completely or just no more itchy flakey skin?
It stays away completely if I don’t stray from the diet too far.

The low lectin diet is mostly plant based, it just excludes plants that we’re not well adapted to or are high in lectins, or perhaps particular kinds of lectins. Plants like nightshades, soybeans, peanuts, and others.

A lot of animals and fish are fed genetically modified corn and soybeans, by the way, so it’s best to get wild caught or grass fed.