Intermittent Fasting


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
Intermittent fasting and intermittent energy restriction can be viable strategies for some individuals to lose weight if they prefer either (or both). That said, neither intermittent fasting nor intermittent energy restriction appear to have any additional health benefits based on the existing evidence and it certainly cannot be viewed as a panacea for health improvement.


Michael Peterson status
Dec 19, 2002
ex-pat Huntington Beach
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Possibly true, lots of variability in study design and results:

Intermittent fasting and intermittent energy restriction can be viable strategies for some individuals to lose weight if they prefer either (or both). That said, neither intermittent fasting nor intermittent energy restriction appear to have any additional health benefits based on the existing evidence and it certainly cannot be viewed as a panacea for health improvement.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Intermittent fasting and intermittent energy restriction can be viable strategies for some individuals to lose weight if they prefer either (or both). That said, neither intermittent fasting nor intermittent energy restriction appear to have any additional health benefits based on the existing evidence and it certainly cannot be viewed as a panacea for health improvement.
This seems to ring true in my own experience.

I know people that naturally don't eat all day.

It's as if the idea of intermittent fasting is a thing makes then not feel bad for doing what they do naturally.

I have a friend he would go all day without eating. It was like he forgot to eat. I never forget.

Now he's intermittent fasting, doing what he already did but now there is an idea behind it. He loves it. I wonder how long he will maintain the regimen.

I function better in the world when I have a little food in me.

I used to work 14 hours days and the key for me was to keep eating.

One thing I learned about humans is one size doesn't fit all.


Duke status
Sep 26, 2005
Tower 13
Small healthy meals every 2-3 hours, dinner being the largest works best for me. When I go long stretches without food I lack energy, get headaches, irritable etc.

The type of food affects my energy and mood more than amounts or intervals.


Miki Dora status
Dec 31, 2009
Lennox Head.
It's a status symbol f'sure.

I've always been fine being mildly/moderately hungry- like truly hungry- before I feel the need to eat.


Miki Dora status
Jun 3, 2004
know one co worker who lost 25 lbs doing and two others who got off their A1C diabetic spectrum by switching to intermittent along with a keto diet they swear by it. Its more about timing


Phil Edwards status
Feb 25, 2006
Decades back I used to get lectured by well meaning people re my propensity to eat one meal a day. I was told I was doing damage, that I was abusing my body and I would pay a price down the line.

Now, for doing the same thing, I am patted on the back and praised for being so health conscious.

When it comes to diet advice, if you don’t like what you’re being told, wait ten years and maybe you will like it.

IMHO, what works for one person doesn’t always work for the next. 10 years from now 17 meals a day will probably be all the rage. I’ll still be eating 1.
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Miki Dora status
Feb 19, 2021
San Diego
Decades back I used to get lectured by well meaning people re my propensity to eat one meal a day. I was told I was doing damage, that I was abusing my body and I would pay a price down the line.

Now, for doing the same thing, I am patted on the back and praised for being so health conscious.

When it comes to diet advice, if you don’t like what you’re being told, wait ten years and maybe you will like it.

IMHO, what works for one person doesn’t always work for the next. 10 years from now 17 meals a day will probably be all the rage. I’ll still be eating 1.
:LOL: I’m sure your predictions are right. However I think IF is simply more along the lines of how our bodies are designed (evolved) to eat. I doubt hunter gatherer’s had three squares, plus a bag of Cheetos to snack on between meals, every day.


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
When should I fast?

My routine which I try to stick to goes like this-

Mondays I do a 10 k run with sprints and stair climbs. Tuesdays l do body weight exercises (56 pull ups, 120 push ups, YTWLs with 8 lb dumb bells and ab rolls), Wednesday is my 13 mile run, Thursday is a rest day. Friday is barbell day (1-1/2 hours), Saturdays 4-5 mile hike with family. Sunday is rest day. Surfing happens when it happens, 3 days a week +- conditions permitting (I’ve only surfed a few crappy days all of June).

I don’t see a good day for fasting.
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Miki Dora status
Feb 19, 2021
San Diego
When should I fast?

My routine which I try to stick to goes like this-

Mondays I do a 10 k run with sprints and stair climbs. Tuesdays l do body weight exercises (56 pull ups, 120 push ups, YTWLs with 8 lb dumb bells and ab rolls), Wednesday is my 13 mile run, Thursday is a rest day. Friday is barbell day (1-1/2 hours), Saturdays 4-5 mile hike with family. Sunday is rest day. Surfing happens when it happens, 3 days a week +- conditions permitting (I’ve only surfed a few crappy days all of June).

I don’t see a good day for fasting.
You could do the fasting schedule listed in the OP, for instance. Looks like the only tricky part would be the Wednesday run, which could burn well over a thousand calories. Could perhaps go down to a 12 fast around that time if need be.


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
When should I fast?

My routine which I try to stick to goes like this-

Mondays I do a 10 k run with sprints and stair climbs. Tuesdays l do body weight exercises (56 pull ups, 120 push ups, YTWLs with 8 lb dumb bells and ab rolls), Wednesday is my 13 mile run, Thursday is a rest day. Friday is barbell day (1-1/2 hours), Saturdays 4-5 mile hike with family. Sunday is rest day. Surfing happens when it happens, 3 days a week +- conditions permitting (I’ve only surfed a few crappy days all of June).

I don’t see a good day for fasting.
There isn't a good day. Fasting works for people who respond to fasting as a way to manage calorie intake. As active as you are you probably need to focus more on getting enough macronutrients. If you're putting in that much work but not feeding the machine you're wasting it.

Mr J

Michael Peterson status
Aug 18, 2003
Regional Vic, Australia
When should I fast?

My routine which I try to stick to goes like this-

Mondays I do a 10 k run with sprints and stair climbs. Tuesdays l do body weight exercises (56 pull ups, 120 push ups, YTWLs with 8 lb dumb bells and ab rolls), Wednesday is my 13 mile run, Thursday is a rest day. Friday is barbell day (1-1/2 hours), Saturdays 4-5 mile hike with family. Sunday is rest day. Surfing happens when it happens, 3 days a week +- conditions permitting (I’ve only surfed a few crappy days all of June).

I don’t see a good day for fasting.
that's a very good life you are having. I get the impression that you are fairly lean, quite likely got no insulin resistance with all the exercise you have been doing - a long distance runner for many years, hiking and surfing. Now that you are not teaching, enjoying a lower stress life no doubt. Even if intermittent fasting could theoretically extend life, there is a balance between life quality and longevity and your balance seems a healthy one.