Huge explosion in basement of WTC prior to first airplane crash


Duke status
Feb 12, 2002
San Diego, CA
Actually it was something new. But as far what are we to do? Are you fcking kidding me? #1 vote every bastard that had anything to do with it. #2 Demand jail for all those that were involved, politicians and others.

What's your suggestion? Shrug it off and say oh well?


Nep status
Oct 6, 2004
IF what he's saying is true and everyone finds out - do you really think there will be any more elections? really? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/socrazy.gif" alt="" />

You have to think about the implications of such an elaborate, deep rooted conspiracy. If it is as the conspiracy theorists like Blakestah said it is, there will be no more USandA.
I'm just taking it within the context of the theory - I think it is a little far-fetched. I do think it's healthy for people to not take everything at face value and question what we are being told.

Oh yeah, Rosie sucks, even if she is freinds with Modonna <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/roflmao.gif" alt="" />.


Phil Edwards status
Sep 10, 2002
Obviously until the truth becomes known an appropriate response is only hypothetical. The inconsistencies and inadequacies in the government story, and the demonstrated lack of initiative to pursue the truth, suggest the government feels it is better off if the people do not know the truth. In a worst case scenario, it is our duty to overthrow the government. Although, it may be accomplished far more simply on Nov 4.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Nep status
Oct 6, 2004
If we vote in democrats the revolution is complete? So you think this conspiracy would strictly involve repubs and not dems? I find that laughable at best.
What you are claiming would be beyond party lines. I have a hard time beleiving that IF our government was behind the 911 attacks that a vote for president would make a difference either way.

Think about how serious a claim it is you are making. This is way beyond second shooters behind the grassy knoll. It would not be far from the Matrix story line of living in a fabricated world.
Shoots, if any group is run well enough to pull off such a conspiracy they dserve to run the show. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/roflmao.gif" alt="" />


Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The mastermind hisself.

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/roflmao.gif" alt="" />

Dick Cheney: GAWD DAMN IT GEORGE! You were supposed to detonate the explosives AFTER Bin Laden's men flew into the building! Not before!

GWB: Relax Dick. Stupid towel heads were late. I'm the getherdoner. The expediter. Besides. I have a morning tee time. I can't wait all day for those camel jockeys.

DC: Crap George! You just can't do that! You have to stick to the plan! We could get caught! Can you imagine the scandal?

GWB: Does this mean you're not going to let me shoot the Tomahawk missile at the Pentagon Dick? I've been looking foreword to that for months! Come on Dick. Let me push the button again! Please PLEASE PLEASE!?!?!?!!!

DC: Oh all right. But make it quick. We have an airliner to shoot down today as well you know...



Phil Edwards status
Sep 10, 2002
If we vote in democrats the revolution is complete? So you think this conspiracy would strictly involve repubs and not dems? I find that laughable at best.
What you are claiming would be beyond party lines. I have a hard time beleiving that IF our government was behind the 911 attacks that a vote for president would make a difference either way.

Think about how serious a claim it is you are making. This is way beyond second shooters behind the grassy knoll. It would not be far from the Matrix story line of living in a fabricated world.
Shoots, if any group is run well enough to pull off such a conspiracy they dserve to run the show. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/roflmao.gif" alt="" />

It is a very very very FAR stretch to jump from the claim that the government is intentionally burying some aspects of what happened on 9-11


"our government was behind the 911 attacks"

Think about it.

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/socrazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/socrazy.gif" alt="" />

Besides, there are multiple, historical, incidents in which governments used similar incidents to maximize sympathy for the initiatives of the government.

In this case, for example, it is blatantly obvious that Bush used 9-11 to force war against Iraq - a nation uninvolved in 9-11.



Tom Curren status
Jun 30, 2004

You have just surpassed G_D as the funniest poster on this bb.

Can you post your entire theory, piece by piece? Complete with Rosie's evidence backing you up?

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/roflmao.gif" alt="" />




Phil Edwards status
Jan 17, 2007
Neck deep
Those are two frickjn ugly dudes. Bet they have the same looking underwear on.

On a side note, eyewitness accounts are the most unreliable information out there. Seriously now, how many people have seen the Loch Ness monster, aliens, Bigfoot... To rely on eyewitness accounts as your proof is just pathetic. Not saying that you are pathetic, just your theory. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/socrazy.gif" alt="" />


Michael Peterson status
Feb 5, 2004
tuckerton, NJ
Visit site
I'd say that there is definitely some covering up being done, to what extent is anyone's guess. Took an entire course dedicated to the 9-11 attacks, everything leading up to it, the attack itself, the aftermath, etc. My professors took a very supportive of the government stance, yet the course left me with a very, very bad feeling in my stomach. My problems with the 9-11 report were from the Pentagon, but we arent discussing that right now. I do get very irked at the excuse that the lobby was blown apart after jet fuel and the explosion shot down the elevator shafts from the upper floors and finally burst free at the lobby. Big issue? The elevators didnt connect all the way to the lobby. Would have been too much strain on the elevator wires so there was a midway point in the towers where it was necessary to get out and walk to another series of elevator shafts. Essentially, for the explosion to travel down the elevator shafts and hit the lobby, it would have had to travel midway down the tower, get out, move horizontally, and enter a new elevator shaft. Doesnt make the explosion in the basement seem as out of the question as before...


Duke status
Apr 22, 2001
South coast OR

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/hilarious.gif" alt="" />
Sorry, when I think of motivational speakers, specially those rising from janitor backgrounds, I just think of...................

I wonder if he lives in a van, down by the East river. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

I guess you can capitalize on any "experience" these dayz.


Phil Edwards status
Jan 17, 2007
Neck deep
I'd say that there is definitely some covering up being done, to what extent is anyone's guess. Took an entire course dedicated to the 9-11 attacks, everything leading up to it, the attack itself, the aftermath, etc. My professors took a very supportive of the government stance, yet the course left me with a very, very bad feeling in my stomach. My problems with the 9-11 report were from the Pentagon, but we arent discussing that right now. I do get very irked at the excuse that the lobby was blown apart after jet fuel and the explosion shot down the elevator shafts from the upper floors and finally burst free at the lobby. Big issue? The elevators didnt connect all the way to the lobby. Would have been too much strain on the elevator wires so there was a midway point in the towers where it was necessary to get out and walk to another series of elevator shafts. Essentially, for the explosion to travel down the elevator shafts and hit the lobby, it would have had to travel midway down the tower, get out, move horizontally, and enter a new elevator shaft. Doesnt make the explosion in the basement seem as out of the question as before...
So, is it that the US government blew up the basement? Or, did the terrorists have people on the ground? Or, was there a secret US group working with the terrorists?

I just don't see the government being that organized. The government can't run the country correctly, yet it can secretly run an operation that kills thousands of Americans?

For humor's sake, let's say the whole conspiracy angle is true. How many people and how much supplies would have to be involved in an operation of that size? Way too many too keep a secret. And, the logistics alone would require militaristic experience. And, in the military, how many people have the knowledge and resources to pull it off. Not that many. Not only that, anyone in the military that would have that knowledge and experience would put a round in a terrorist in a heartbeat. Not be a terrorist.



Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The Bar
IF what he's saying is true and everyone finds out - do you really think there will be any more elections? really? <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/socrazy.gif" alt="" />

You have to think about the implications of such an elaborate, deep rooted conspiracy. If it is as the conspiracy theorists like Blakestah said it is, there will be no more USandA.
I'm just taking it within the context of the theory - I think it is a little far-fetched. I do think it's healthy for people to not take everything at face value and question what we are being told.

Oh yeah, Rosie sucks, even if she is freinds with Modonna <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/roflmao.gif" alt="" />.
This is America. As long as Nascar drivers turn in the same direction, pro wrestling still exists, and no razors are available for middle America to shave their backs, nothing will change. They'd vote for Bin Laden if he was Republican and vowed to ban abortions. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/foreheadslap.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/roflmao.gif" alt="" />


Phil Edwards status
Sep 10, 2002
I'd say that there is definitely some covering up being done, to what extent is anyone's guess. Took an entire course dedicated to the 9-11 attacks, everything leading up to it, the attack itself, the aftermath, etc. My professors took a very supportive of the government stance, yet the course left me with a very, very bad feeling in my stomach. My problems with the 9-11 report were from the Pentagon, but we arent discussing that right now. I do get very irked at the excuse that the lobby was blown apart after jet fuel and the explosion shot down the elevator shafts from the upper floors and finally burst free at the lobby. Big issue? The elevators didnt connect all the way to the lobby. Would have been too much strain on the elevator wires so there was a midway point in the towers where it was necessary to get out and walk to another series of elevator shafts. Essentially, for the explosion to travel down the elevator shafts and hit the lobby, it would have had to travel midway down the tower, get out, move horizontally, and enter a new elevator shaft. Doesnt make the explosion in the basement seem as out of the question as before...
So, is it that the US government blew up the basement? Or, did the terrorists have people on the ground? Or, was there a secret US group working with the terrorists?

I just don't see the government being that organized. The government can't run the country correctly, yet it can secretly run an operation that kills thousands of Americans?

For humor's sake, let's say the whole conspiracy angle is true. How many people and how much supplies would have to be involved in an operation of that size? Way too many too keep a secret. And, the logistics alone would require militaristic experience. And, in the military, how many people have the knowledge and resources to pull it off. Not that many. Not only that, anyone in the military that would have that knowledge and experience would put a round in a terrorist in a heartbeat. Not be a terrorist.

The official story is intentionally leaving out important facets of the 9-11 story - everyone can agree on this. You are leaping to conclusions about the implications of these omissions. That is speculative.

However, that does not mean the official story is accurate and complete. An investigation in much more detail is needed to get the story more complete, which will ensure that similar actions in the future can be appropriately stopped.

There is one implication that is less speculative, and that is that the government doesn't want you to know everything it knows about 9-11. It doesn't want you to know how WTC7 fell. It doesn't want you to know how a massive explosion in the sub-basement of the WTC PRECEDED the first plane hitting occurred. It doesn't want you to see ANY of the video footage of Flight 77 coming into the Pentagon. If doesn't want you to know how the debris from Flight 83 (Shanksville) flew so far in front of the flight path, and about the direct evidence it was shot down by US pilots. Some of these "coverups" are troublesome. They could be covering up incompetence, compliance, treason, or confusion, but until there is an investigation we will never know.

And that is JUST how the government wants to keep it.


Phil Edwards status
Jan 17, 2007
Neck deep
Do you like the X-Files?

Personally, I don't want to know everything. I really don't think most people would either.

So the government doesn't want the public to know everything... good. You think the general public wants to know how the world really works? It ain't all daisies out there. The violence, the killing, the torture... hell, it has kept America fairly safe this long (compared to other countries). Keep it up as far as I'm concerned.

And, why does the general public 'deserve' this knowledge. If they aren't highly educated, understand global politics, and have the guts to make tough decisions, why should they know about the harshness of the world we live in? They couldn't understand it anyway. Hell, I don't and never really want to.

What's great is that this is America and we can say or think anything we want.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Do you like the X-Files?

Personally, I don't want to know everything. I really don't think most people would either...

So the government doesn't want the public to know everything... good...
And, why does the general public 'deserve' this knowledge. If they aren't highly educated, understand global politics, and have the guts to make tough decisions, why should they know about the harshness of the world we live in? They couldn't understand it anyway. Hell, I don't and never really want to.
WOW...Mucho respect and admiration for your trust in Big Bro. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

I got an idea...why don't you hand over your right to vote as well. From now on, only the upper-crust of the country - CEOs of large corporations, guys running hedge funds, oil folks, etc. - will be allowed to vote.

After all, they're probably more likely to be "highly educated, understand global politics, and have the guts to make tough decisions."

And as far as far as news media outlets? Close 'em. Big Bro will set up his own news service to tell you what you should be allowed to know.

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/socrazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/unuts.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/socrazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/unuts.gif" alt="" />

There are only a few things IMO in which the government is entitled to any sort of secrecy: development of military tech and elements of war.