HPSB thread


Tom Curren status
Oct 17, 2007
valley purgatory
Maybe a blasphemous topic here. What is everyone's most HP shortboard for good to great waves?

In the market for a no frills, good wave thruster.

Liking the looks of CI 2happy, Pyzel ghost and roberts GSD.
Probably not a yolo enough topic for the design mafia


Phil Edwards status
Jul 13, 2020
San Diego
I’ll go ahead and say if you have waves you think a ghost will work in you owe it to yourself to try a ghost.

I was in the “no need to keep a board so short” category until I tried one and immediately went “oh dang” and now want to see what else I can paddle into on it.


Duke status
Jan 21, 2014
West of the Atlantic. East of the ICW.
Best performance I've witnessed in what most mortals would consider good to great surf without the need for a Step Up in the past couple of years was Cory Lopez riding a Lost Swordfish last fall. These were not conditions most normal humans would associate with riding a fish. 40 yard long tube rides are not what you think of for riding a very tiny fish. Seemed like the board could generate speed effortlessly yet still do really tight carving turns at high speed. Talked to him on the beach and he said its all he'd been riding lately and was clearly stoked out on the board. Consider me sold. Could a lesser surfer pull off what I witnessed or even ride that model in such surf I have no idea but holy sh!t he was able to ride that thing, get super long tube rides and use the whole bag of tricks on that board. He had a filmer with him that day but I've never seen the videos emerge. My camera hit its 30 frame buffer before he exited this tube and for most of that he was completely gone. Under his feet this board could do it all.


End section carve.....


Note the back foot placement.

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Tom Curren status
Oct 17, 2007
valley purgatory
Round pin.

5-11' - 6'2
28-32 liters

Current HPSB is 5'10 and about 27 liters.
I want something with a bit more volume and paddle power but not a true step up.

Better wave HPSB? I dunno hahaha

edit: sick pics GD! LOL at my old ass buying a board because Cory Lopez rips on it.

Edit again because I am bad with this volume sh!t
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