honestly considering porting my IRA to cash and sitting on it for 3 months
I think these clowns are going to crash the boat and I want to be ready to buy
where are your collective heads at in the macro on the next 3-6 months?
If you got lots of time, let it ride.
If you are well diversified already, let it ride.
If you don't have some % in cash already, reallocate ASAP so that you do have some.
If you are averse to risk and worry in the day time hours over your $ in the market, go 75% cash and let rest of well-diversified holding ride, then after 3-6 months, start up with the DCA back in.
If you are feeling like you can't climb the wall of worry much longer without sleep, go to cash now, wait your 3-6 months, then DCA back in. It could be the peace of mind you need by locking in gains now.
If you have FOMO on potential gains by selling all now and going all to cash, which is worse: the FOMO or lack of sleep? Once you nail that down, go some % contrarian (difficult to do) and some % what you think is best (easy to do), and always have some % cash because, well, this is what pretty much every bit of financial material I have ever read says to do.
In any case, all the above is really just starting points to work out for yourself.
What worked for me was DCA (dollar cost averaging) into the 401k over time. The money going in from the top of the DOT.COM bust was dead water through 2008 and all I could do was say, "I don't need it till I am 65, I can recover." Seeing friends stop contributing and spending their money on stuff invoked some sense of missing out on my part, but when it turned around, and they...well, who cares. My point is that the 8 yrs of feeding the beast and feeling like I was wiping my ass with $100 bills went to me feeling like a genius that now could afford to wipe his ass with $100 bills.
I thought Trump #1 was going to blow things up, so went to 60% cash. By 2nd yr, was all back in. Lost out on gains by reacting to fear/belief during that missing 2 yr period. But one of my relatives did the same thing when Biden was elected and he lost out on gains too; this is what makes markets, differing opinions and woe unto thee if you are pig-headed about your own well thought out ideas (for too long). For Trump #2, the 35% cash is waiting to do something, though I am closer to 65 now.....
While I love my non-stressed about money sleep, so, no one use me as THE pathway to riches. I am just trying to avoid cut rate dogfood in my mid 70s. Top shelf dog food only!
Actually, that should be top shelf
monkey chow.