Scooped $5k of KULR at average price of 0.65
Current price: 0.73
Massive volume yesterday as it slowed climbed to hit 1.03 before cooling off.
KULR is based in San Diego.
Just landed a US Navy contract for undisclosed amount.
CEO said on Spaces (twitter/X) there will be no reverse stock split.
CEO said they have enough cash on hand for expansion in 2025.
Working with NASA on some Internal Short Circuit (ISC) tech for years.
If it drops further, I'm looking for a bounce at 0.635
Current price: 0.73
Massive volume yesterday as it slowed climbed to hit 1.03 before cooling off.
KULR is based in San Diego.
Just landed a US Navy contract for undisclosed amount.
CEO said on Spaces (twitter/X) there will be no reverse stock split.
CEO said they have enough cash on hand for expansion in 2025.
Working with NASA on some Internal Short Circuit (ISC) tech for years.
If it drops further, I'm looking for a bounce at 0.635

KULR: Space Technology Transforming the World of Electronics and Battery Safety
Our core technology is a NASA co-developed, vertically aligned carbon fiber thermal interface material that is lighter, more flexible, and more efficie...