How’s the stock market?


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
Modern nuclear power plants would make very short work of coal/gas/oil/solar/wind etc. that’s the big con. The oil and gas guys don’t want nuke power to put them out of the power business so they encourage all of the irrational and vastly out of date fear of nuclear power.

terms limits for all politicians and nuclear power would solve 98% of the things we argue about on here

Look at Fukushima, how much money that cost, how many safeguards, and it still failed. Sooner or later there'll be someone with more dollars then sense in charge, they'll do the same cost-cutting, and there'll be the same consequences as Fukushima and Chernobyl.

Earthquake/Tsunami/Lahar zones are a no-go, and you're going to have to seriously consider Sandy-tier storms and F-5 tornadoes hitting the things.

Step 1 IMHO will be to take anyone with an MBA/Finance degree and stuff them feet first into a woodchipper. There can't be some business executive who lives in Malibu making decisions about a nuclear power plant in Arizona on behalf of "the shareholders". I want a nuclear engineer whose kids' cribs are on the containment structure making all the decisions.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
In this mighty continent of ours there are endless locations with low seismic activity and infrequent severe weather or wild fires etc. a modern nuke plant can be nearly entirely underground, if weather is even a concern. It can be done dude.

fukushima was built on the ocean on the ring of fire. Modern or not, a bit of bad luck in the form of a massive tsunami well, they took a gamble and lost


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Modern nuclear power plants would make very short work of coal/gas/oil/solar/wind etc. that’s the big con. The oil and gas guys don’t want nuke power to put them out of the power business so they encourage all of the irrational and vastly out of date fear of nuclear power.

term limits for all politicians and nuclear power would solve 98% of the things we argue about on here
I agree.

The problem is any politician who promotes nuclear energy is going to be demonized.

Which is ironic as the green/net-zero carbon policy politicians are the ones who are dragging us to hell.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Step 1 IMHO will be to take anyone with an MBA/Finance degree and stuff them feet first into a woodchipper. There can't be some business executive who lives in Malibu making decisions about a nuclear power plant in Arizona on behalf of "the shareholders". I want a nuclear engineer whose kids' cribs are on the containment structure making all the decisions.
This is interesting from a macro perspective.

The West produces people with MBAs and finance degrees.

The rest of the world produces engineers and science folk.

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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
dude, wtf is pink that real? I had someone break some pink sh!t out

I opted for the DMT and nitrous hits instead of the pink sh!t
it was high-end coke, once upon a time. last time i saw it was about 40 years ago, about an hour before my room-mate found my stash and i never saw it again. so if you're ever in Santa Barbara, stop into a jewelry store called Belrose Galleries and tell Joey that his old roomie still remembers that pile of pink rock and that whole episode went into his permanent record.
:cursing: :shameonyou::trout::poke:

Edit: no, don't do that - he's a respectable businessman and a great friend.

webster 6.jpg
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
I think shark snacks isn’t quite condemning all mba and finance types to the chum bucket, I think he just doesn’t want that ilk running the plant. Let the nerds run the show, pay them really really well, and don’t cut corners. Besides, meltdowns are bad for the bottom line and shareholder value. In nuclear it’s in EVERYONES interest to do it right. From the janitor to the C suite
And all bidding from contractors and suppliers must be blind. No dollar amount attached. The nerds in charge evaluate each proposal/spec/component based solely on its merits and safety, not the cost. After the best proposal is selected,the winner is announced, but they agree that their bid number is binding. No upcharges or change orders. So they’re extra motivated to get it right because if they have to go back and do a bunch of retrofitting and make goods,, it cuts into their bottom line. Money talks, but make it talk with a commanding voice that demands excellence
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Phil Edwards status
Sep 17, 2012
it was high-end coke, once upon a time. last time i saw it was about 40 years ago, about an hour before my room-mate found my stash and i never saw it again. so if you're ever in Santa Barbara, stop into a jewelry store called Belrose Galleries and tell Joey that his old roomie still remembers that pile of pink rock and that whole episode went into his permanent record.
:cursing: :shameonyou::trout::poke:

View attachment 130107
I would have guessed marine diesel fuel was used instead of gasoline.
but holy sh*t, websites selling it?


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
I would have guessed marine diesel fuel was used instead of gasoline.
but holy sh*t, websites selling it?
Actually, I don't recall it looking quite like that - more like white flake crystalline, with just a tint of pink. But it's been a long time...


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
I think shark snacks isn’t quite comdeming all mba and finance types to the chum bucket, I think he just doesn’t want that ilk running the plant. Let the nerds run the show, pay them really really well, and don’t cut corners. Besides, meltdowns are bad for the bottom line and shareholder value. In nuclear it’s in EVERYONES interest to do it right. From the janitor to the C suite.
Yes. Look at the Boeing debacle. Outsourced to people making $16/hr. Pathetic.
Deepwater Horizon. Didn't have a part that's supposed to prevent blowouts and that same part is required to drill at that depth in Brazilian waters.

I mean if you're going to build one of these things, you probably need funding. Perfect opportunity for a finance type.

But like you said, meltdowns are bad and this is a common interest.


I dunno much about coke. Most made me feel pretty great. A little was disappointing relative to the other. But the best was termed Peruvian Pink. Circa 97/98. Wow. Thank heavens they don't sell that at gas stations, because I'd be buying it as fast as I could serve blowies to randos with 5 dollar bills.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
I remember (vaguely) there was this Peruvian heart surgeon who lived in the neighborhood when I was a young drunken college freshman in the city. Anyway one night he wandered into our sort of divey but relatively tame and popular neighborhood watering hole. He politely asked if he could enter the never ending pool games on the cramped little bar table. So he’s all rich and smart and well spoken and very humble and appreciative that we let him join in, class act all around. Buying drinks etc. anyway no gay code now, but he invites me and my Roomate/partner in crime up to his million dollar 3 bedroom condo in this fancy Greenwich village doorman building, and he pours a round of drinks and pours a golf ball size hunk of the most golden, shimmering, hypnotic cocaine I had ever seen before or since. Sublime. Perfect euphoric high, no jitters, just face meltingly good. Only other Yahtzee I’ve seen that even came close was some un cut right off the boat (literally) Colombian flake down in CR

Oh and a last twist to the heart surgeon with amazing coke story (and further negates any hint of homosexuality you perverts love to attach to every story) Anyway, we’re all hammered and high as I’ve ever been, and eventually, the happy birds had been tweeting for a while by then, the good doctor called a few hookers and said “guys, my treat, it’s been such a fun evening, I have beautiful women on the way” and I’m sorry to say that was a bit terrifying for our 18 year old selves. We were torn, for sure, but my homie and I just could not get down with a hookers and blow party, at 7 am on a school day no less lol. We thanked him profusely and wished him a great day with the girls, and we retreated to the dorm suite to get ready for class. Saw him at the bar a few more times and had a few drinks, but never again have I seen such cocaine, or been faced with the actual terrifying and thrilling dream come true orgy with 3 beautiful NYC call girls. Took me a long time to forgive myself. I was a confident mature precocious party animal at 18, hell I’d already had 2 threesomes with hot girlfriends of mine. But when faced with the ultimate “ripped from Vivid Video” (remember this was 1997 when vivid video ruled the vcr.) scenario, I didn’t step up to the plate and swing like a man, I bolted. That is my cross to carry to the end of my days.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
I think shark snacks isn’t quite condemning all mba and finance types to the chum bucket, I think he just doesn’t want that ilk running the plant. Let the nerds run the show, pay them really really well, and don’t cut corners. Besides, meltdowns are bad for the bottom line and shareholder value. In nuclear it’s in EVERYONES interest to do it right. From the janitor to the C suite
And all bidding from contractors and suppliers must be blind. No dollar amount attached. The nerds in charge evaluate each proposal/spec/component based solely on its merits and safety, not the cost. After the best proposal is selected,the winner is announced, but they agree that their bid number is binding. No upcharges or change orders. So they’re extra motivated to get it right because if they have to go back and do a bunch of retrofitting and make goods,, it cuts into their bottom line. Money talks, but make it talk with a commanding voice that demands excellence
If nerds run things you end up with the CCP - control freak autism. You need a guy who can listen to dorks but knows when to tell them to shut up.
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Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
I trip out on how efficency is kind of frowned upon.

We could reduce usage of resources by increasing efficiency.

We could do this water. We could do with food production. And transportation.

That I can't get a one seater car that gets 70 miles to the gallon is crazy.

If have the drivers were in this kind of car you could cut consumption in half.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
That I can't get a one seater car that gets 70 miles to the gallon is crazy.

If have the drivers were in this kind of car you could cut consumption in half.
Buy a 150cc or 250cc motorcycle like everyone else on the planet. (Oh wait, do they even sell those in the USofA #1! ?)

On that same topic, I always LOL @ the American obsession with 600cc+ bikes. So many dummies.