Healthier to be overweight and strong than lean and weak - article


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
The research and compilation of data is still a study.

Not an editorial as you stated.

You're a full time golfer, right?

What sort of work did you do?
This isn't a study...just notes of an observation.

No, I'm a recreational golfer

My main business is in the energy field....but I do other things like commercial real estate and up until COVID and specific to this thread, rehab and strength training. A friend of mine that I served in the Army with went to medical school after he got out. He was running the rehab center at a local hospital in central Texas and wanted start his own thing. I had a commercial building with empty space available and after talking about it we decided to put it together. While in the Army we ran the company physical training program which also included soldiers who were on "profile" which in the Army term for injured and recovering.

One of the trainers we brought on was a former trainer for a large Texas based football program, which certainly helped us bring in clientele. The initial focus was physical rehab for patients that were post bed bound or non weight bearing due to injuries or surgery. It quickly evolved into rehab for athletes due to its location and the previously mentioned trainer. Once the word was out with what we were doing the strength training part of the business took off and many clients were high school and college baseball players and golfers who would come train in the off season where we would get 8-12 weeks to focus on strength before their sport specific practices and activities would begin. When Covid hit we tried to keep it together but there was hesitancy from people wanting to train in a public environment and it didn't make sense to keep the lights on for single session private training. Plus my partner, who married a girl from Switzerland years ago was under pressure from her to move to Switzerland where COVID was thought to be more without a Dr on staff we would greatly have to reduce services.

I still have clients today that are more like friends. I train at my house when they are in CA and visit them regularly to touch base and get their training organized when they are home during the off season. A couple are professional golfers which is why I was in London for the LIV event, as was my former partner. Stay tuned because we're putting something formal together and it's going to be pretty cool and if you pay attention to golf a game changer for some golfers.
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Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
Is that really what Von Meister is promoting????

The BMI scale differentiates between overweight and obese. Is obese healthy? I have seen overweight people finishing marathons, but never seen an obese person finishing. Although I'm finishing around 3:30-4:00. I don't wait around to see who's finishing after 6 hours....
A person can have a perfectly normal BMI or be in the normal range on a scale but still be unhealthy. Normal weight obesity is a real thing and a person can have all the same negative pathologies but look perfectly healthy, mostly when clothed.
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Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
This isn't a study...just notes of an observation.

No, I'm a recreational golfer

I still have clients today that are more like friends. I train at my house when they are in CA and visit them regularly to touch base and get their training organized when they are home during the off season. A couple are professional golfers which is why I was in London for the LIV event, as was my former partner. Stay tuned because we're putting something formal together and it's going to be pretty cool and if you pay attention to golf a game changer for some golfers.
I finally tried golf with a neighbor and found it fun. The problem - as I see it - is staying proficient on your drive when you don't golf often. How do you teach yourself and practice perfectly or correct your own form?


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
I finally tried golf with a neighbor and found it fun. The problem - as I see it - is staying proficient on your drive when you don't golf often. How do you teach yourself and practice perfectly or correct your own form?
I have a swing coach. Other than that YouTube videos and videoing yourself to see what you look like.


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
You could mitigate injury risk by adjusting your load.

But I get it: you don't want do squats.

That is your prerogative.
There's this fear of injuring the back that is still pervasive even though it's been debunked in study after study. It's old news that docs don't, or really shouldn't use anymore. This is where peoples fear of strength training comes from. Think about it.....people are convinced that the back is a body part they should avoid using. What does this lead to? Weakness. It certainly hasn't led to a reduction in back pain, which only grows every year.

Your back is a collection of bone and muscle just like the rest of your body. If you want to make it tolerate a lot of stuff you need to make it do a lot of stuff. Training that back is the best way to protect the back. I pull with my back in a degree of flexion every time I deadlift or rack pull. Any time to flex your ab muscles you are putting the spine in flexion. It's simply impossible to keep the back rigid, in extension and protected as you live a normal life. This isn't to say throw caution to the wind and load up a barbell and just start pulling. Like everything moderation is key....but a strong back is necessary to continue an active lifestyle as we age.


Duke status
Apr 8, 2006
I think there's a difference in "fat and fit" and "obese and healthy". If you are 10 - 20% overweight but get plenty of exercise and eat well you are probably doing OK. People who are 50% or more overweight or are hauling around 100+ pounds of excess fat are not. A lot of those body positivity people are massive lard-asses who are going to go into middle age pre-diabetic with bad blood chemistry, high blood pressure, bad knees, and a myriad of other weight-related problems. You rarely see obese people make it out of their 60s.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
My younger sister always asks "What's going to happen to the young fat people when they get old?"

I gained a little weight but then I dieted and lost it.

Here is my after picture.

It feels great to be in shape again