Wai'anae / Makaha area is what might be the discussion for the West side
** The hotels in Hilo are all hammered, the only one with improvements is Grand Naniloa - but that changes ownership a lot too. **
At one time, Banyan Drive was the location of 3 to 4 major hotels for the Hilo area. My Uncle, LTC Alex Nalua "Alika" Kahapea (RIP) had the 9 hole golf course across Banyan Drive from these hotels. In it's hey days, The Naniloa Surf Hotel was the place to go and later down the line, the Hilo Airport became an "International Airport" with runway enhancements & major airlines using it's facilities. Later, with some of the airlines merging or falling by the way side, Hilo's appeal, slowly slid away.
Uncle Alex was also the one time Commandant at the Kilauea Military Camp located at the Hawaii Volcano's National Park.