I still think that the Washington Post statement that tourism is only 20% of the economy is incorrect. I know that the Military is a large part of the economy, but not sure what the figure is now. No manufacturing industry to speak of and much of the agricultural products is imported. If the State and County employment is part of the total economy figure, is that financed through the resident tax base only and not taking into account the taxes paid by Tourists during their visits? An example I have used earlier, and surf related, is a Tourist shops at a T and C surf shop and purchases a board, leash, board shorts, and more, paying sales tax on the purchases. Still a part of the State economy, but I seriously doubt that they break it down to being Tourist generated tax revenue or internally (Resident) generated tax revenue. Same goes with dining and restaurants. For example, the sales tax revenue generated by Rainbows. Plenty of Tourists eat there and I doubt if they account for the tax revenue being either Residents or Tourists. I do know that during the last Recession, Tourism was down and people on Maui could feel the pinch. I guess, if Residents really want less Tourists, based on the 20% figure, only one in five jobs would be tourist related and by seeking employment in the non Tourist (80%) economy and abandon the Tourist industry employment, the Tourists industry would be unable to logistically support the current numbers of Visitors and might reach your desired figure of 10%, 25%, or 50% less tourists.