Harris and Joe creating "Unity" !!


Duke status
Jun 25, 2008
Inconvenient observations of the things that go on in society that you don't like you simply want to call racist. Worth noting I didn't even specify a race there but based on your own observations you seem to applied those things to a particular race. People of any race can fall into the same traps I mentioned.
you employ very specific tropes when you speak

we see you for exactly who you are

you and the rest of the closet cases here can dance around it all you want, but
your words and actions are being read loud and clear
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Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The Bar
Lotta white savior hints in that clip. White savior themes are very popular
As are magic negros.

Why do the Asians and Mexicans get left out?

I mean, you kinda have Short Round in Temple of Doom and Cheech in Born in East LA but...


Miki Dora status
Feb 19, 2021
Southern Cali
The left wants to put all of the focus on dividing everyone into groups and make particular groups hate one another by focusing on differences rather than commonalities. The left simply exploits division for political power. They've never fixed a damned thing ever. Just look at the plight of minorities in cities and states that democrats have controlled for decade after decade. Tell me what the fuk have they fixed? They aren't even trying to fix anything in those places. They just keep thos places in turmoil because it keeps people voting their way by exploiting racial differences.
If you're clumsily trying to say that the issue has been politicized, well, no sh!t sherlock. Your mindless narrative here is straight out of the playbook and itself evidence to the fact.

What has the left fixed? Interestingly, it was confederate democrats that enacted Jim Crow laws and it was union democrats that enacted the Civil Rights Act. "Whut???" You ask, "The left is both against and for equal rights? My little brain can't process that."
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Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
If you're clumsily trying to say that the issue has been politicized, well, no sh!t sherlock. Your mindless narrative here is straight out of the playbook and itself evidence to the fact.

What has the left fixed? Interestingly, it was confederate democrats that enacted Jim Crow laws and it was union democrats that enacted the Civil Rights Act. "Whut???" You ask, "The left is both against and for equal rights? My little brain can't process that."
Not to mention the Dems were not the "left" in the Jim Crow era.