Hard Surfboards (Kaimana Henry)


Michael Peterson status
Apr 6, 2014
S. Redondo
I was stocked to see Balaram win the Pipe Masters on one of his shapes. Anyone ridden any of his designs? I had been wanting to get boards from him and Bret Muramoto, but I haven’t done a winter on the North Shore since 1999 and I barely get my 6’ Ghost wet locally.

Kai called me into my best Pipe wave ever back in 1998. Me and a buddy were getting some fun ones at ‘Ehukai and a new swell seemed to come out of nowhere, so we made the obvious choice to paddle over. Almost all the main spots were pretty empty due to the Kam Hwy washing out by Waimea. It went from non-existent at Pipe to proper in the matter of an hour.

It took probably 45 minutes until people started filtering into the lineup once the swell had definitely arrived and even then it was less than 15 people.

I’ve surfed for over 40 years and that day is still a top five surfing moment for me.