Footage of coffin on a JS


Michael Peterson status
Apr 21, 2018
Re: JS durability. My Monstabox doesn’t have a whiff of deck depression and is the lightest PU board I’ve had. Surfed the sh!t out of the board yesterday for a 4 hour long afternoon session in punchy peaky windswell with day long offshores and it blew me away.

Surfed the Raging bull that morning for a coupla hours and i dig it too. Very different board and carries a lot more swing weight up front. Surfed it as a quad and it was drivey as hell and it loved big carves.
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Nep status
Jun 16, 2004
Re: JS durability. My Monstabox doesn’t have a whiff of deck depression and is the lightest PU board I’ve had. Surfed the sh!t out of the board yesterday for a 4 hour long afternoon session in punchy peaky windswell with day long offshores and it blew me away.

Surfed the Raging bull that morning for a coupla hours and i dig it too. Very different board and carries a lot more swing weight up front. Surfed it as a quad and it was drivey as hell and it loved big carves.
I've had the same experience and I have 3 in pu. The hyfi's dent more than the pu but still durable. My pu's were the lightest, single layers each side with team patch although they may have a lighter option now.

But I was super surprised by the SITDs which all had issues with js.