omg, the victimhood you hear yourself?
"coordinated smear!"
Ivermectin did not work. it had already run it's course and then Joetard goes on the air to talk it up so all the neverforgettards could continue their antivax oppositional tantrums
Joe Rogan is a fkn moron
people taking medical advice from a moron deserve all the mockery (AND SMEARING) in the world
no one needed to protect the vaccines... ivermectin didn't fkn work. no one had to do ANYTHING to "smear" ivermectin, and it certainly was not a fkn conspiracy to "protect...[the] EUA"
I don't know why you insist on continuing to make up conspiracy theories out of thin air for something that has a very clear and obvious explanation, but one that you just so happen to dislike