Father and son charged in Ahmaud Arbery’s murder.


Duke status
Jan 12, 2009
I didn't backpedal on anything. I don't think you even know what that means.

FBI searched his phone and found no proof that he frequented anything related to white nationalism. Facts!
Nobody is talking about white nationalism moron.

He was a Trumpist gunturd who hated BLM

You keep moving the goalposts, backpedaling and evading.

That's your entire game.


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
Actually no.

We are talking about him consciously and purposefully going into the battle armed with intention to shoot.

Nobody is disputing the law, no matter how stupid.

And speaking of the law, Arbery's murder will push Georgia into changing the citizen's arrest law.

Pound that @ElOgro
Pico said justice prevailed in AA but not with KR. Which is a direct critique of how the legal system played out in those cases. Can you read? Seriously.

In reality, both cases played out exactly as the system intended- where a jury unanimously decides if there is sufficient evidence to find someone guilty of a crime. Which there was far more of in the case of AA, and conflicting evidence in the case of KR.

Conflicting evidence = reasonable doubt = expectation of a not guilty verdict, even if that person actually is guilty and/or exercised poor judgement


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
Nobody is talking about white nationalism moron.
You've said several times that he hated BLM, which there is no proof of.

You keep moving the goalposts, backpedaling and evading.

That's your entire game.
Not at all. I haven't gone back on any statement. You can't accept that the legal system worked exactly as intended- you are the one who is arguing to move the goalposts. MUH LOPHOLES :roflmao:
Also- you were 100% wrong with your comment regarding the KR prosecutor, he made that exact comment and still lost :trout:
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Duke status
Jan 12, 2009
You've said several times that he hated BLM, which there is no proof of.

Not at all. I haven't gone back on any statement. You can't accept that the legal system worked exactly as intended- you are the one who is arguing to move the goalposts. MUH LOPHOLES :roflmao:
Also- you were 100% wrong with your comment regarding the KR prosecutor, he made that exact comment and still lost :trout:
Evade, change subject, move goalposts...

He was a Trumptard who went to Thruster rallies and was obsessed with guns and plastered thin blue line flags over the photos of him posing with guns.

But because there's no proof of him being a white supremacist, except for drinking beers with Proud Bois, means that he didn't hate the BLM.

Fucking hell. :roflmao:


Duke status
Aug 20, 2010
SUP Nation
There is no proof whatsoever that KR initiated anything. He took a firearm to protect himself, others and private property from FUKKING CRIMINALS. Turned out he ended up needing to use the firearm to protect himself from CRIMINALS. Turns out you side with CRIMINALS.
Protect himself and others? Are you a fcukin loon? He brought an AR rifle to a boxing match.


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
Evade, change subject, move goalposts...
About what exactly? You are the one who wants to change the legal system and definitions to fit your values :trout:

He was a Trumptard who went to Thruster rallies and was obsessed with guns and plastered thin blue line flags over the photos of him posing with guns.
Which has nothing to do with BLM. More blacks voted for Thruster in 2016 than 2020. Facts!

But because there's no proof of him being a white supremacist, except for drinking beers with Proud Bois, means that he didn't hate the BLM.

Fucking hell. :roflmao:
How is a single photo of him with a couple random proud boys indicative of him hating BLM?
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Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
What about Roman Polanski?
Well...funny you ask. He used qualudes to pry open the ass cheeks of a perfectly shaped dime in his hot tub. Only problem was she was 17. Apparently, even though the teenagers mom sold her to Roman this doesn't change anything in the eyes of Lady Justice. She's blind (and a cock blocker, obviously) So while you appreciate his work...as overrated as it is.....it's probably something you should keep to yourself as any bestowing honor, praise, or admiration toward Roman or his work is by definition glorifying a criminal.
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Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
Actually no.

We are talking about him consciously and purposefully going into the battle armed with intention to shoot.

Nobody is disputing the law, no matter how stupid.

And speaking of the law, Arbery's murder will push Georgia into changing the citizen's arrest law.

Pound that @ElOgro
You are talking about that. By yourself. Nobody else is talking about that. Just you. Everyone else disagrees with you. Hence, “we” aren’t talking about that.

Kick rocks.
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Duke status
Jan 12, 2009
You are talking about that. By yourself. Nobody else is talking about that. Just you. Everyone else disagrees with you. Hence, “we” aren’t talking about that.

Kick rocks.
False consensus is a thing.

Go pound a dictionary.


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
This is truly amazing.

You don't have jack sh!t, which is why you are evading.

You are always the one who always says that BLM has no organizational structure, yet here you are saying that KR hates them :roflmao: How convenient.

Even more weirder, he went to the protest with a seething hatred for "BLM" (whatever that is?) and ready to instigate, yet somehow ends up shooting 3 white guys, one of them who regularly dropped N bombs, while in the process of trying to protect a predominantly black neighborhood :unsure:
Clown World! :ROFLMAO: