Double Drowning


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
If you recall, I started out cautioning about the danger of distressed people in the water. In the video you posted, it looked like the dude who rescued the man didn't have a flotation device of any kind and apparently did fine. Seems to counter the initial point you were making about the essential need for a flotation device. In some situations, maybe it's better to not have one, like we were talking about earlier with the Spain incident. Hard to know because no one is going to put themselves in that kind of situation in order to figure out the best method.

Drowning people are dangerous, got it. (y)
Stuff they teach in training needs to be backed up by real world evidence and the situation. The technique you were talking about might well work in a pool since it's deep and clear. It might work if you're rescuing people from a sinking vessel in deep water, but either way it's going to scare them. The adrenaline is what makes the victim strong.

Everything depends on the situation. I wouldn't have gone in to save the girl in the OP. I would do what those Aussies did. The one with no board smiled and reached for her hand then pulled her with the current and fins.


Phil Edwards status
Nov 10, 2015
at Lanis once i paddled past an injured surfer being swept out - man; the current
there - cause i knew it was a lost cause (tk u LG experience)..and called 911 from
the beach who came w/jetski and saved him...which was a good thing cause i
didn't know him and wasn't going down the rabbit hole..
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