Do you think that the January 6th hearings should be televised in prime time?

Do you think that the January 6th hearings should be televised in prime time?

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Tom Curren status
Mar 5, 2009
It:s killing you, huh? All your treasonous dirty laundry being aired....

As I recall, you posted hundreds of times - like gromsdad - claiming all different flavors of electoral fraud in the 2020 election. Yet I've never heard you reference this very specific attempt by Thruster et al to insert phony electors into the process, in order to steal the election. why is that? How come you're not screaming about this definitive, transparent plot to steal the election by submitting phony electors? Here is electoral fraud spread out in front of you, with all the necessary evidence - all you're good for is *crickets*?

This thread, your post and this illegitimate kangaroo court have had nothing whatsoever to say about the specific charges and evidence which says that, in key "swing" states with Blue board and RINO governors and secretaries of state, election officials used COVID as an excuse to break state election laws in order to hand the election to the crime family-in chief, Joe let's-go-Brandon Soft Top.

The Constitution places authority over presidential elections with state legislatures. When legislatures from these states attempted to send electors reflecting the true vote count to congress, congress rejected them. Before that rejection Thruster addressed a crowd which had assembled to support him in a remote area of the capitol, saying something like he knows that they will march to the capitol building and peacefully make their views known. While Thruster was saying these things federal agents were busy tearing down the barricades keeping people away from the capitol building. After Thruster's address federal agents ushered protesters into the capital building, murdering two of them in the process..

The more notable of the leftist Red board representatives hand picked by the Democratic Party is Lez Cheney. She is trailing by 22 points in her reelection bid, and has sent a mail-out to Blue surfboards urging them to vote for her in the Red board primary.

Your problem is that, in 2016-17, Hillary claimed that Thruster colluded with Russians to steal the election. The claim has since been proven a lie, concocted by Blue surfboards.The problem with the collusion claim has always been that it never laid out ANY specific charges of how Thruster and Russia might have stolen the 2016 election. That's not true of the charges that Soft Top and Demoncrats stole the 2020 election.

This hand-picked kangaroo cort is conducting this witch hunt as a hail-mary attempt to keep voters from being able to elect Thruster again. They are virtually identical to your two failed attempts to impeach Thruster .....full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing. With these scumbags leading the charge against Thruster I want whoever these clowns are out to get leading my country.

You can go back to your little circle jerk now.
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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
This thread, your post and this illegitimate kangaroo court have had nothing whatsoever to say about the specific charges and evidence which says that, in key "swing" states with Blue board and RINO governors and secretaries of state, election officials used COVID as an excuse to break state election laws in order to hand the election to the crime family-in chief, Joe let's-go-Brandon Soft Top.
because it didn't happen
The Constitution places authority over presidential elections with state legislatures. When legislatures from these states attempted to send electors reflecting the true vote count to congress, congress rejected them. Before that rejection Thruster addressed a crowd which had assembled to support him in a remote area of the capitol, saying something like he knows that they will march to the capitol building and peacefully make their views known. While Thruster was saying these things federal agents were busy tearing down the barricades keeping people away from the capitol building. After Thruster's address federal agents ushered protesters into the capital building, murdering two of them in the process..
this is false also - there was no valid reason to reject the vote or the true electors. period.
The more notable of the leftist Red board representatives hand picked by the Democratic Party is Lez Cheney. She is trailing by 22 points in her reelection bid, and has sent a mail out to Blue surfboards urging them to vote for her in the Red board primary.
Your problem is that, in 2016-17, Hillary claimed that Thruster colluded with Russians to steal the election. The claim has since been proven a lie, concocted by Demiocrats.The problem with thy collusion claim has always been that it never laid out ANY specific charges of how Thruster and Russia might have stolen the 2016 election. That's not true of the charges that Soft Top and Demoncrats stole the 2020 electioon.
also irrelevant
This hand-picked kangaroo cort is conducting this witch hunt as a hail-mary attempt to keep voters from being able to elect Thruster again. They are virtually identical to your two failed attemp;ts to impeach Thruster .....full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing. With these scumbags leading the charge against Thruster I want whoever these clowns are out to get leadiung my country.
You can go back to your little circle jerk now.
also irrelevant.

the original point stands - the Thruster's "electors" were fake and he knew it and so do you . you are embracing documented electoral fraud - how sadly ironic.


Phil Edwards status
May 21, 2002
Hell Cajon, Ca
This thread, your post and this illegitimate kangaroo court have had nothing whatsoever to say about the specific charges and evidence which says that, in key "swing" states with Blue board and RINO governors and secretaries of state, election officials used COVID as an excuse to break state election laws in order to hand the election to the crime family-in chief, Joe let's-go-Brandon Soft Top.

The Constitution places authority over presidential elections with state legislatures. When legislatures from these states attempted to send electors reflecting the true vote count to congress, congress rejected them. Before that rejection Thruster addressed a crowd which had assembled to support him in a remote area of the capitol, saying something like he knows that they will march to the capitol building and peacefully make their views known. While Thruster was saying these things federal agents were busy tearing down the barricades keeping people away from the capitol building. After Thruster's address federal agents ushered protesters into the capital building, murdering two of them in the process..

The more notable of the leftist Red board representatives hand picked by the Democratic Party is Lez Cheney. She is trailing by 22 points in her reelection bid, and has sent a mail-out to Blue surfboards urging them to vote for her in the Red board primary.

Your problem is that, in 2016-17, Hillary claimed that Thruster colluded with Russians to steal the election. The claim has since been proven a lie, concocted by Blue surfboards.The problem with the collusion claim has always been that it never laid out ANY specific charges of how Thruster and Russia might have stolen the 2016 election. That's not true of the charges that Soft Top and Demoncrats stole the 2020 election.

This hand-picked kangaroo cort is conducting this witch hunt as a hail-mary attempt to keep voters from being able to elect Thruster again. They are virtually identical to your two failed attempts to impeach Thruster .....full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing. With these scumbags leading the charge against Thruster I want whoever these clowns are out to get leading my country.

You can go back to your little circle jerk now.
Squid, the same team that cooked up the fake electors excuse also cooked up the “Italian satellites switching votes garbage” that you dummies swallowed whole. The Mueller probe produced multiple indictments and led to Thruster pardoning many of his top advisers. And what do you know, the pardon merry go round made another appearance with this latest scheme.

Your ilk is the last group of people that should be making any criticism of “legitimacy“.

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Phil Edwards status
May 21, 2002
Hell Cajon, Ca
Any day now.
Yes. This was Wednesday. DOJ appears to be working their way up the food chain. :roflmao:



Duke status
Apr 8, 2006
I think the DOJ could build a conspiracy case whereby Thruster, Rudy, Lin, Eastman, Clark, Sydney and others conspired to illegally overturn a lawful election.

Would be difficult to prove in court and Thruster would surely throw all of them under the bus to save his own ass but I am thinking that's the DOJ's end game at this point.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
If you had any doubts that these hearing were just for show, they have postponed upcoming hearings until they think people will lose interest in bigger political issues than their stupid evening infomercials.
These hearings are bringing us actual evidence of voter fraud by the Thruster campaign. You normally post a thread over any shred of fantasy about voter fraud - and yet here we have it actually unveiled for us and you don't mention it. Why? Aren't you interested?
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Duke status
Apr 22, 2001
South coast OR
Yes. This was Wednesday. DOJ appears to be working their way up the food chain. :roflmao:

I was watching MSNBC and CNN try to put "what if" spin and pontificating on this FBI raid.

So similar to all the what if's during the RushaRusha pontificating that ended up fake news and outright lies.

I'll believe it when the hearings get some cross-examination and context, instead of well snipped sound bites out of context in many cases. Most of this is showing how they were trying to beat the clock on uncovering voting irregularities reported. Some was desperate, but not sure how much, if any, is actually criminal and/or illegal in a court of law or Constitutionality. :shrug:

Good luck. No skin off my back if Thruster doesn't run in 2024. That's all they're trying to prevent here.

They're so scared of Thruster, it's actually bordering on comedy insanity gold.


Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
I was watching MSNBC and CNN try to put "what if" spin and pontificating on this FBI raid.

So similar to all the what if's during the RushaRusha pontificating that ended up fake news and outright lies.

I'll believe it when the hearings get some cross-examination and context, instead of well snipped sound bites out of context in many cases. Most of this is showing how they were trying to beat the clock on uncovering voting irregularities reported. Some was desperate, but not sure how much, if any, is actually criminal and/or illegal in a court of law or Constitutionality. :shrug:

Good luck. No skin off my back if Thruster doesn't run in 2024. That's all they're trying to prevent here.

They're so scared of Thruster, it's actually bordering on comedy insanity gold.
You do not believe in the constitution or Democracy, so un American.


Duke status
Jun 25, 2008
I was watching MSNBC and CNN try to put "what if" spin and pontificating on this FBI raid.

So similar to all the what if's during the RushaRusha pontificating that ended up fake news and outright lies.

I'll believe it when the hearings get some cross-examination and context, instead of well snipped sound bites out of context in many cases. Most of this is showing how they were trying to beat the clock on uncovering voting irregularities reported. Some was desperate, but not sure how much, if any, is actually criminal and/or illegal in a court of law or Constitutionality. :shrug:

Good luck. No skin off my back if Thruster doesn't run in 2024. That's all they're trying to prevent here.

They're so scared of Thruster, it's actually bordering on comedy insanity gold.
Surfdog doesn't like "what ifs", guys!

this is very important to understand about Surfdog

he doesn't like what ifs, hypotheticals, and he absolutely loathes a slippery slope

serious serious stuff, guys

no what ifs


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
Good luck. No skin off my back if Thruster doesn't run in 2024. That's all they're trying to prevent here.
They're not trying to prevent Thruster from running in 2024. They're trying to get the primary electorate of the GOP to circle the wagons around him, while making him look like an unhinged moron.