I've been thinking of building a downwinder to open up possibilities on lighter wind days. I can also use it for prone. If I build it myself, it doesn't cost much money so I don't care about whether or not I actually use it and I pick up some new skills. Otherwise, I'm not sure I'm in this for the long run - surfing really seems to fit my location and stage of life with my kids right now.i've tried bringing the wife along and she hates it. windsports can be a total relationship wrecker if you let it. i am fortunate that our good wind season coincides with my slower season at work. i get in most of my sessions during the week and i'm home before the wife. she actually encourages me to stay later when i drive over to the bay area so she can have an hour alone after work.
from march through september, the forecasts are usually right on and the days are plentiful. rarely get skunked. it's hard right now because we're chasing storms and the forecasts are usually off in some way and i've been skunked a few times. the focal point right now is the half moon bay harbor. super flat water with strong sw winds around storms. most sessions are setting up and/or breaking down in the rain. water is cold af. it's an hour and a half drive each way. and it's my busy time of year. i'm thinking about breaking down and going back to surfboard riding once a week just to scratch the itch.
Anyone doing a north-bound downwinder today?