I personally think PU is so much easier to shape and refine than eps. But yes I don't get why they would say no only because their opinion is too stiff? I'd respond "I don't believe in flex. You want my money or not?!"
To be clear they haven’t said “no”. They did make the Alpha Omega in
only stringered pu and to my knowledge everyone who got one loves it. And btw I base that on direct experience of having one,
@santacruzin has one and loves it, I met another recently who loved his and I’ve yet to see one for sale on the used market.
All I know about whether or not they’d do it is what I said above, that when I asked (kind of in passing) they said they “no plans” of doing it with other boards.
I expect to be in commission with DA this week, I will ask them about it and fill you guys in. Maybe their PU with eps stringer is a better build and there’s no reason to go with a wood stringer.
Btw, the standard dark arts build is pretty fucking awesome.