Critical Race Theory in U.S. Schools


Miki Dora status
Oct 7, 2005
The country has a sordid past
You really really don't need critical theory to know this. It hurts the cause. It's the intellectual flip side to the coin of pre-Iraq invasion reflexive patriotism. No matter what side it is, it's a doodoo coin.


Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The Bar
You really really don't need critical theory to know this. It hurts the cause. It's the intellectual flip side to the coin of pre-Iraq invasion reflexive patriotism. No matter what side it is, it's a doodoo coin.
But it sounds to me that the loudest members of the Red board party don't even want any concept of America not being the paragon of virtue, the avatar of the world, to be aired because it put a pinprick in the balloon of American Perfect Greatness That is the Will of God.

Fuck that sh!t. They are just as delusional as the fattest of green-haired bull dykes screaming atrocity toward breeders.

There is a happy medium somewhere.

And I say this of course just before having to go through somewhat-mandatory Racial Equity Training. I will be well behaved, though, and not suggest that all basketball hoops should be programmed to immediately adjust height based on vertical leap so everyone can have equal results.
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Miki Dora status
Oct 7, 2005

How is anything that's happening in the US "Marxist"?

America has never been more capitalist and there's absolutely zero chance that that will change, ever.

What about this is "Marxist"? from your article:

"Critical Theory in the narrow sense has had many different aspects and quite distinct historical phases that cross several generations, from the effective start of the Institute for Social Research in the years 1929–1930, which saw the arrival of the Frankfurt School philosophers and an inaugural lecture by Horkheimer, to the present. Its distinctiveness as a philosophical approach that extends to ethics, political philosophy, and the philosophy of history is most apparent when considered in light of the history of the philosophy of the social sciences."

"While Critical Theory is often thought of narrowly as referring to the Frankfurt School that begins with Horkheimer and Adorno and stretches to Marcuse and Habermas, any philosophical approach with similar practical aims could be called a “critical theory,” including feminism, critical race theory, and some forms of post-colonial criticism. In the following, Critical Theory when capitalized refers only to the Frankfurt School. All other uses of the term are meant in the broader sense and thus not capitalized. When used in the singular, “a critical theory” is not capitalized, even when the theory is developed by members of the Frankfurt School in the context of their overall project of Critical Theory."
Teacher education is Marxist.

The Frankfurt School is Marxist.

Not orthodox materialist Marxist, but an attempt to bring the Hegelian dialectic and Marxist conflict theory to other spheres: psychological, cultural etc. Technically the correct term would be Marxian. Whateva. To really understand it you should go back & read Antonio Gramsci. But yeah, critical theory having nothing to do with Marx....that's pretty rich, dude. Come on man!

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Duke status
Oct 14, 2017
It’s the culture wars that are dividing America. Both sides are going nuts, and the media perpetuates it because it keeps attention away from the Bezos’s of the world who are getting rich while we fight over the scraps.

It’s so friggin obvious, and both sides share a healthy amount of the blame.
Which side are you on? Are you on both sides? And both sides suck. So you're double suck
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Duke status
Jan 12, 2009
Teacher education is Marxist.

The Frankfurt School is Marxist.

Not orthodox materialist Marxist, but an attempt to bring the Hegelian dialectic and Marxist conflict theory to other spheres: psychological, cultural etc. Technically the correct term would be Marxian. Whateva. To really understand it you should go back & read Antonio Gramsci. But yeah, critical theory having nothing to do with Marx....that's pretty rich, dude. Come on man!

Your own article states that Frankfurt School is something different and that there's a difference between 'critical theory' and 'Critical Theory'.

But you keep saying that word... which makes everything bad and communist.

It would be like talking about VWs and then somebody constantly brings up Hitler.


Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
As a new parent - i certainly would like to limit my child's access to information.
As a grandparent that just spent 3 days in the bush with two grandkids, good fvckin luck with that one. Seven and eight years old and they’ve been taking online classes for over a year. Right. They’re never gonna figure it out.

You can look forward to the day that they’ll have way more savvy than you. More access. More communication. That’s what drives progression in a society. In a nutsack.

Monkey see monkey do. You post here. Only during working hours? Hey dad, what are you so interested in? Plan on it.

You’ll get rid of the internets influences just before you find that unknown right and left reeling point break in the BI image.

When that happens, CRT or whatever won’t matter. You’ll be surfed out, family happy and healthy. Giving back more than you’re taking. The Forgotten Island of TGOLS. (I’m still in contact with some of the degenerates from the old blog days and fvck Mark that Thruster slurping fag)

Then, one day you’re gonna remember your old bro fecalface from the erBB. You’ll send a postcard after too much of the local alkihol and herb, third world pharmas rock, you’ll have long learned that by then.

Fast forward six months. Fecalface brings photos equipment. Like his American Express card, he doesn’t leave home without it. He’s an ar-test ffs.

He sends some rolls of film back to GWS to be developed. GWS doesn’t have any contact peoples so he sends them to Skully.

Skully is stocked over the reptilian porn but has no idea about the What to do... calls hal... then mundus... two years pass with no changes. Fugetaboutit.

And then, Gromsdad finds out through some political argument, and takes his groms there.

He’s stocked so he gets ahold of stuazole, who still lurks here, mails him some photos.

Hotel/casino. Hotdogs for the kiddos. CRT seminars. Subway with the yoga concession.

I have a dream...


Duke status
Jan 17, 2006
Meanwhile, one of the states that passed legislation to ban CRT from schools just managed to **** off a self-described activist teacher who wanted to do exactly that. So much for the "that's not happening in schools" lie.

The upside is that pissing off SJWs like this is ... priceless. I feel sorry for her cats' though. She's probably going to take it out on them tonight.

Des Moines.JPG
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Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
I see a collision of frames.

Both sides creating straw men.

Do they know they are doing it?

If I do leftist race stuff in my 101 class, my OC DT loving students will be screaming bloody murder in the Dept.

What the admins want is no waves.

So the threat is not as big to the student as the right would portray.

The teachers on the other hand have to take their beating when the admins push this stuff.
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Nep status
Feb 14, 2021
Whats wrong with being a Caucasian enthusiast?


I see a bunch of whites telling black/brown people they are oppressed and always have been. Also saying until whitey gives up being oppressive and says sorry, you will remain oppressed, like its whitey thats still in control. Kinda sounds like they are reforcing a racism in a way, while saying they aren't, but in fact they actually are...