Crazy Drivers Post Pandemic


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
I've noticed that people have pretty much just lost their minds. Stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street and a car overtook me and almost plowed into the pedestrian. Another instance, I stopped for a school bus that was loading (required by law), and cars lined up on both directions waiting. Couple morans overtake the line of cars and plow past the school bus with kids loading. WTF?? Dashcam wasn't working or else I'd report to the police. But near my house, these types of things are a daily occurrence.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
I've noticed that people have pretty much just lost their minds. Stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street and a car overtook me and almost plowed into the pedestrian. Another instance, I stopped for a school bus that was loading (required by law), and cars lined up on both directions waiting. Couple morans overtake the line of cars and plow past the school bus with kids loading. WTF?? Dashcam wasn't working or else I'd report to the police. But near my house, these types of things are a daily occurrence.
i agree, and i think it goes beyond the roads.


OTF status
Nov 8, 2010
I agree. I just recently started commuting again here in NY and its like the wild west. I noticed a big difference in how aggressive people are driving. I used to drive 72mph and pass almost everyone now at 75 I'm getting passed like Im sitting still.
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Duke status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
I went to a seminar a few years ago about color theory at Otis. The presenter was a color exppert who advised the fashion industry. He pointed out that they had started using "chartreuse" colored signs around schools, that sort of neon green/yellow, because studies showed that yellow no longer triggered a "caution" response, but rather a "floor it before it turns red" response.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
It's getting worse all the time. I see at least 2 - 3 cars running the red at just about every intersection anymore.
#1 reason = there's a total lack of traffic enforcement because police are understaffed and almost always en route to a service call.

#2 From my dad's perspective: the composition of drivers in CA has changed over the past 3 or more decades and the driving has gone from being polite and cooperative to "a Northeast shitshow" with "plenty of people who learned to drive at Coney Island"

Judging by the number of times I see people passing on the right or going 80 mph in the far right lane every day I don't think he's too far off - that kind of driving is signature Northeast driving styley.


Michael Peterson status
Dec 27, 2019
#1 reason = there's a total lack of traffic enforcement because police are understaffed and almost always en route to a service call.

#2 From my dad's perspective: the composition of drivers in CA has changed over the past 3 or more decades and the driving has gone from being polite and cooperative to "a Northeast shitshow" with "plenty of people who learned to drive at Coney Island"

Judging by the number of times I see people passing on the right or going 80 mph in the far right lane every day I don't think he's too far off - that kind of driving is signature Northeast driving styley.
#2 the composition of california has changed. for all the "calihate" there sure are a lot of folks whove moved here over rhe past few decades
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Michael Peterson status
Jul 29, 2015
It's terrible and infuriating at times, but what can you do short of follow the laws, show common courtesy, and be assertive. Set an example, and keep your side of the street clean so if anything does come of it, you end up on the right side of the law.

You want to pop off on people, but you never can tell just what you are getting yourself into... Unless someone hits you or someone else causing bodily injury or property damage, you'd best remain un-confrontational.


Duke status
Feb 27, 2009

The things I see on the roads in LA on a daily basis are astonishing. I can go on and on with examples. Some of them are so flagrant and risky you have to assume the cars are stolen and uninsured because nobody who has to pay for their own vehicles would take such obvious risks.

I’ve learned that when I see these things to simply shake my head and not engage. I used to enjoy boxing in people who were swerving like idiots through traffic just to fuck with them. But now it’s just not worth it. If you’re in such a god damn rush, just go.

The one thing I can’t understand in the hood is how many young black males I see driving like they’re playing GTA. As an act of self-preservation you’d think they’d do whatever they can to avoid getting pulled over and having to talk to a cop.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Feb 18, 2007
Planet Earth
I still can’t wrap my some around the rampant tailgating more than anything.

75mph = 110 feet per second smh

@$kully bitd the hood was the only place in LA I saw people consistently ignoring red lights to the point I approached my greens with caution if there wasn’t much traffic. I chalked it up to the lack of law enforcement bc I never saw any cops either.


Michael Peterson status
Jun 27, 2019
#1 reason = there's a total lack of traffic enforcement because police are understaffed and almost always en route to a service call.

#2 From my dad's perspective: the composition of drivers in CA has changed over the past 3 or more decades and the driving has gone from being polite and cooperative to "a Northeast shitshow" with "plenty of people who learned to drive at Coney Island"

Judging by the number of times I see people passing on the right or going 80 mph in the far right lane every day I don't think he's too far off - that kind of driving is signature Northeast driving styley.
Reading between the lines here, but it sounds like something bad happened to you driving in the Northeast.