Covid Vaccine

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
The guy I know who was most careful about following all the rules and has been boosted boosted boosted is also the guy who has gotten the woofloo at least four times and two of the times got it good. I don't think those shots do a damned thing to be honest.
I got the single shot thing back when it first came out. Was sick - caught everything - two types of covid, a cold, flu - for about two months following that sh!t.

Haven’t been sick since except catching covid last thanksgiving from my kid’s girlfriend who had covid and had us over for TG dinner. She coughed directly on my plate of food and I ate it anyway. Recovered in less than 24 hours from that.

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
If I knew I was going to get the virus I would have got the booster. Never had any reactions to the previous shots. But who knows? Now I don’t know that I’d get it because I should have some natural immunity?

Before I started teaching I never got sick. When I saw how many sick days we got I was thinking- “surf missions.” I also never got the flu vaccine. Then the first two years of teaching I used every single sick day being sick… with the flu. I started getting the flu vaccine and that put an end to my using up my sick days. I’d still get the flu from time to time but it seemed to be lighter and short lived. I imagine the covid booster would do the same.

ps 2 weeks after my first symptoms I still have asthma like symptoms. Went for my first surf this AM and was getting pretty winded paddling out.
You’ll be fine.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
I know. I was kind of liking not having got sick, not even a mild cold, for 4 years. I said as much to my wife a week before I got sick and she was like, "Shut up. YOu're going to jinx yourself."
COVID vaccines are safe and effective for the prevention of COVID disease and severe disease.

Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
Wife and I skipped the booster this year.

She got hit hard starting Monday (or earlier? her and the kids were sick a week ago but didn't test). Tested Tuesday after 2 days of chills, body aches, lethargy, chest pressure. Called out of work the rest of the week and some overnight coughing bouts were pretty hectic.

I was fine and negative midweek but tested positive Thursday or Friday. So far no cough, light congestion like allergies or a mild cold/sinus infection. The most significant symptom, and the only really novel one, has been pain in my rear flank at the bottom of my ribs/kidney zone. It's like I have a really sore and strained muscle, but I don't. It gets better/worse throughout the day, but at some points, it's pretty uncomfortable.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Wife and I skipped the booster this year.

She got hit hard starting Monday (or earlier? her and the kids were sick a week ago but didn't test). Tested Tuesday after 2 days of chills, body aches, lethargy, chest pressure. Called out of work the rest of the week and some overnight coughing bouts were pretty hectic.

I was fine and negative midweek but tested positive Thursday or Friday. So far no cough, light congestion like allergies or a mild cold/sinus infection. The most significant symptom, and the only really novel one, has been pain in my rear flank at the bottom of my ribs/kidney zone. It's like I have a really sore and strained muscle, but I don't. It gets better/worse throughout the day, but at some points, it's pretty uncomfortable.
Protect others by protecting yourself. If you get vaccinated against COVID 19, you will not spread it - the virus stops with you.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
I didn't die from the vaccine.

I think I had covid when I got it.

Your not supposed to take the vaccine then.

I did it just to temp fate.

If you think like a cockroach you can be a cockroach.


Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
Is anyone bothering with the booster?

I’m just getting over a week of illness and am still really easily winded. If getting a booster would have saved me this hassle I’d have done it. It (Covid) was just off my radar. I thought I had dodged that bullet. I was not hearing about people getting it, but it’s still around. I gave it to my wife and daughter, right when my daughter has finals. Not good. I guess it’ll be like the flu shot, decide every year whether to get it or not.
So weird how all you people that care and believe covid get sick