
Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Good time for this to be topped although basketball related.

Bit on a pump fake on a fast break last night, timed it just perfectly that so opponent's head came up right as my jaw came down, took what was basically a massive uppercut under the chin, and (rightfully) called for the foul. Groggy as fook, played through it even though motor functions and spatial awareness could have better. After a couple games, took a one game breather and semi-recovered, played for another hour and a half. Slight nausea and my head felt two sizes too small but otherwise maintained. Friend of mine couldn't believe I wasn't knocked out cold. I'm just glad I didn't bite my tongue...

Jaw muscles are tweaked - eating is difficult as hurts to open and close jaw. Doesn't feel broken and all my teeth seem OK. Abstained from aspirin/advil but took some Tylenol this morning after sleeping poorly.

Not my first concussion ride by any shot (I've lost count but it's well into double digits) but is it worth going to a doctor? Or just ride it out and take it easy for a couple days?
I’ve had a few “flash” knockouts. That’s when you take a shot to the jaw. There’s nerve where the jaw meets the ear and when that gets touched by your, um, adjusted jaw bone it hits the off switch. Brain damage is minimal.

I wouldn’t worry about it.