For me, traction was pretty much useless. Didn't help. Too far gone. Strengthening my neck was key. At first I just relied upon indirect strength training, the ripple effect as it were, via shoulder/trap training. Then I started strengthening the neck directly with resistance bands. I would avoid neck bridges if you are to the point where you are reading threads about neck pain. I would also avoid harnesses and big weight. But there are some adaptive levels of direct neck resistance training that almost everyone can do. Starting with a light band and isometrics. Just hook the band up, maintain posture and walk back until you have sufficient resistance. Then hold for ten seconds. Move forward, adjust band and walk back to the front, rear and the sides. Eventually,
I was told in my early 30's that my neck was ruined. I was told no more surfing, no more contact sports of any kind. I was given opiates and told to make the best of it. Eventually I figured out what I needed to do on my own. And I have decades more surfing etc done. I made no concessions. With very little pain. If you are looking at yourself in the mirror and you have a pencil neck? If your neck just kind of goes straight down from ears without angling off to the sides? Get to work. Necks strengthen relatively quickly.