Yup. Steroid to the neck. Worked like a charm. I’ve been told it doesn’t work for everyone.
It’s temporary. I’ve had 3 rounds on the left side and 2 on the right, C 4/5 5/6 and 6/7, over a 10 year span.
I use traction almost every day. I am obsessive about good posture.
When you drive sit with perfect posture and adjust your rear view mirror. As you drive if your mirror get “out of adjustment” redo your posture.
Set up computer so you sit up straight. No head forward chimp spine.
As for surfing, quit. If you MUST surf then you will want strengthen your back so when you paddle you use your back to arch up and see where you’re going.
Also, you don’t need to see where you are going. Paddle with your head down.
Do neck strengthening exercises consistently.
Welcome to the world of neck maintenance.
You will get better but you have to keep treating it. The steroid injections will give you the opportunity to actively heal.
This is your life now.
Here’s the traction I use. It’s the best for me.
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Any questions don’t hesitate. I’ll even talk to you on the phone or in person if need be.