Violent victimization =/= murderI mentioned murder, which isn’t something that can be answered yes or no in a survey
19000 murders per year in the US
1 in 200 people estimated to be trans, which would mean that ~100 trans people would be murdered per year
Various articles that come out at the start of the year usually give numbers in the 40s for the United States, for 2023 it was 35
New Everytown Data on Transgender Homicides Reveals Concentration in the South
NEW YORK — Today, Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund released new data on homicides of transgender and gender-expansive people revealing a disproportionate density in the South. The new data …
This article estimates 320 worldwide, and even admits that many are engaged in sex work. Control for sex workers and the risk for the general population of everyday trans people goes down even further.
Beaten, Stabbed And Shot: 320 Trans People Killed In 2023 - New Monitoring Report
The vast majority of those killed (94%) were trans women. The Trans Murder Monitoring report also found most victims were black and many were sex
So yeah- you can take that envelope and roll up whatever you’re smoking in it, because with the data we have available it’s not even close to breaking even.
You dumbass.
Trans people get harassed non-stop, including this forum.
Nobody deserves to live like that.
Cue laughy heads.