Because I don't think it's healthy for society to indulge in false narratives and alternate realities for the sake of peoples feelings. The fact that there are people who militantly push false narratives and attack those who disagree with them is bad for society, and those who engage in those tactics deserve to be called out for the toxic, divisive actors that they are. The fact that the activist community is so unwilling to have an honest discussion shows that they don't have the ability to have one, because if they had strong arguments then they would use them.
For example, I can both acknowledge that trans people have the right to pursue activities that make them happy, and that they want to do so as the gender they identify as, while also acknowledging that there are major fairness issues for female athletes. Both of these ideas can exist and be discussed at the same time, even if they are in conflict with each other in a practical sense, except the activist community attacks anyone who attempts to have a nuanced discussion of this.
We are also told that Trans people are murdered at a disproportionate rate. Some simple back of the envelope math with readily available statistics shows that this is probably not true when compared to the non-trans murder rate, or at the very least there is not enough data to support this idea. Yet it is parroted mindlessly and used as a reason for shutting down debate.
And yes, the trans issue is especially problematic because young impressionable people are being pushed by bad actors (primarily online, but some IRL too) into medical interventions that are potentially dangerous and often irreversible, and the code of silence I mentioned above only makes it harder for troubles young people to get the information they need to make an informed decision. Even the NYT is admitting this now