Can we talk about critical race theory?


Duke status
Apr 8, 2006
The problem is the same people that want bans don't want to give a definition. In your example, it's like saying you want to ban teaching pedo-values and when people look to see what you actually mean by that it becomes clear that you are actually attempting ban any sort of sex education whatsoever.

As to why this is a hot issue for the right? Look up how many times Fox News has mentioned critical race theory over the past few months.

Fucking lemmings....
Fox always has to have a bogeyman. This month it will be CRT, next month it will be Newsome, the month after that it will be AOC (actually she's their go-to on any slow news day). Without something to get the base pissed off at they are out of jobs.


Phil Edwards status
Feb 25, 2006
I dont know nuthin bout no creetikal racing therey, but conciderin' allmost 30 percentages of Californya adults cannot read, maybe weez shuld teach that 2?