Caity Simmers, Stud or Dud?


Miki Dora status
Dec 30, 2003
down the hill and to the right
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My daughter graduated in the same junior high class as Caity a couple years ago. They rode in a boat being pulled behind a truck during the drive thru Covid Graduation. I Have been watching her surf (and skate at Prince) since she was little. She is the humble, soft spoken, leader of the New School. Think Slater, Machado, Dorian. I honestly don't think she really wants the attention. Think Curren. She was lucky in the fact that she didn't have a famous dad inadvertantly putting the spotlight on her. She was able to sneak under the radar without much fanlore until the last few years. Most in Oceanside knew it, but she was better than the rest of them, just didn't get the publicity. I think this was a true blessing. Made her work harder. With no disrespect, these young ladies will take down Carissa and Steph, much as Slater and Machado took down the older generation in the early 90's. This will happen within three years, potentially sooner!
My son has skated with her a few time at Poods and Prince and says she's this unassuming kid just waiting her turn to skate the bowl and when she drops in, she skates it better than almost all of them.