CA storm this weekend


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
This AM the wind was offshore SE, waves were small (shoulder high) and no rain. Really fun sandbar with strong rip on it, little step sections kept forming as you made your way to the inside. Fun, fun, fun. Not too crowded for a weekend. Maybe folks were hunkered down waiting for the inundation?

What time's armageddon?
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Phil Edwards status
Apr 11, 2005
So far, with the exception of wind, its been a big nothing burger.
Went down to the beach a bit ago for a look-see, lots of rain on the channel and the mountains behind us and a lot of wind.
We'll see:shrug:
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Phil Edwards status
Sep 11, 2018
Probably dropping in on you, California
This AM the wind was offshore SE, waves were small (shoulder high) and no rain. Really fun sandbar with strong rip on it, little step sections kept forming as you made your way to the inside. Fun, fun, fun. Not too crowded for a weekend. Maybe folks were hunkered down waiting for the inundation?

What time's armageddon?
even porto had a couple fun ones this a.m. water didnt seem to bad either.

starting to drizzle a little here now, a perfect day to pack up my life into boxes :poop:.
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Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Just drove home from Tahoe

feels a bit overhyped to me
The media/government hype never matched what was actually forecast and now it’s looking like what was forecast turned out to also be overhyped.

As of now it’s even more of a dud than I was predicting earlier.

And this hype will happen again and again.

And the statist, good little subjects, corporate media brainwashed scaredycat crybully fascist lovers that post here will continue to lap it up and flame me for saying, “see, i told you so…again.”

I’ll be dropping those fins off around 8:30am tomorrow on my way to Ventura where I’ll be working all day outside.

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
hahahahaaha. Now the forecast for Monday is “chance of showers”.

These fuck heads just yesterday….

And these midwits…