Bush eases Pollution controls


Miki Dora status
Apr 22, 2002
Major change<BR>is in the air <BR>for pollution rules <BR> <BR>Bush administration gives older smokestacks flexibility <BR> <BR>By Miguel Llanos<BR>MSNBC <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> Nov. 22 — The Bush administration on Friday gave 17,000 older power plants, refineries and factories greater flexibility in meeting the Clean Air Act — a move that some states planned to challenge in court. The administration and industry said that in the long run, the changes will reduce pollution that causes smog and acid rain. But state air pollution officials and environmentalists said the revisions will increase pollution and premature deaths. <P>That's it!!! I am going to war. =(<BR>


Miki Dora status
Apr 22, 2002
this announcement just days after the oil spill... I really dont' know where this man's head is at....most indeed me thinks he drinks too much... I think he has a few screws loose...<P>$$$$ signs anybody?


Kelly Slater status
Jan 10, 2002
Big Blue Marble
Bush Administration Anti-Environmental Policies Linked to Corporate Campaign Contributions <P>New Report Details "Paybacks" <P>September 25th, 2002 <P>Contact Info:<BR>Maria Weidner, Earthjustice, 202.667.4500, x. 237<BR>Rick Bielke, Public Campaign, 202.293.0222 <P>Washington, DC/Oakland, CA-- In a report released today, Earthjustice and Public Campaign established in detail for the first time the strong correlation between big corporate contributions to the Bush-Cheney campaign and Republican National Committee (RNC) and Bush administration policy paybacks that benefit these interests.<P>“These contributions and policy paybacks tell the story of how corporate interests brought the Bush administration to power so that it could weaken the law to benefit the companies’ bottom line,” the groups said. The report, entitled PAYBACKS, makes an accounting of industrial contributors to the Bush-Cheney campaign and the industry-friendly policies that have become the regular order of business since President Bush took office. The report also names some of the top environmental officials within the administration who built their careers as lawyers and lobbyists for the industries they are now in charge of regulating. <P>“The Bush administration’s anti-environmental agenda doesn’t just appear to be made-to-order for polluting industry interests. It is,” conclude Earthjustice and Public Campaign in PAYBACKS. “Industries now reaping the benefits of an administration intent on eliminating important environmental and public health safeguards are the same ones that helped underwrite the Bush-Cheney campaign and the RNC with more than $44 million in contributions.”<P>“Over thirty years of progress in addressing environmental problems – spurred by public servants and private individuals of all political persuasions – is being squandered by this administration,” said Buck Parker, executive director of Earthjustice. “The Bush administration is giving away our nation’s clean water and air, national forests, and public lands to its corporate contributors.”<P>“Because you have to pay to play in the current campaign finance system, anti-environmental special interests with plenty of cash see all their policy wishes granted. Meanwhile, the public’s interest in a healthy environment is ignored,” said Nick Nyhart of Public Campaign. <P>The report, which is available on the web (www.earthjustice.org and <A HREF="http://www.publicampaign.org)," TARGET=_blank>www.publicampaign.org),</A> focuses on the investments made by timber, mining, oil and gas, coal-burning utilities, chemical, and other manufacturing interests. PAYBACKS shows how these investments resulted in handsome returns for polluting and resource extractive industries in the form of anti-environmental policy decisions, often facilitated by Bush administration political appointees who are former industry lawyers and lobbyists. <P>The groups also will launch a website today (www.GeorgeWBuy.com) that presents some of the information from the report. “The GeorgeWBuy website is an accurate depiction of the sad reality: the Bush administration has put the public’s health and precious natural resources on the auction block,” said Parker.<P>###<P>Earthjustice is a nonprofit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment. We bring about far-reaching change by enforcing and strengthening environmental laws on behalf of hundreds of organizations and communities.<P>Public Campaign is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to sweeping reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of special interest money in America's elections and the influence of big contributors in American politics.


Kelly Slater status
Jan 10, 2002
Big Blue Marble
Here's the link for the story above. <P> <A HREF="http://www.earthjustice.org/news/display.html?ID=443" TARGET=_blank>http://www.earthjustice.org/news/display.html?ID=443</A> <P><BR>Don't forget to click on the "PAYBACK" link for more gory details such as this:<P>"The biggest challenge is going to be how to best utilize taxpayer dollars to the benefit of industry."<P>-Mike Smith, Bush Administration Assistant Secretary for Fossil Fuels at the U.S. Dept. of energy, <I>Charleston Gazzette</I>, 1/31/02<p>[This message has been edited by tyrez (edited 11-22-2002).]


Michael Peterson status
Sep 3, 2002
I've said it before, I'll say it again. If you voted for Bush, you are getting exactly what you voted for. It is not going to get better.


Miki Dora status
Apr 22, 2002
I didn't vote for him... noone in my family did...<P>I wish I had power (and that means $$$$$$) I would so break this apes you know what.

Kookie McKookelson

Phil Edwards status
Mar 24, 2002
san fransurfco
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OTIS:<BR><B>I didn't either. An assasination would be of no service. We'd have Cheney, he's worse!</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Might want to delete that, I bet some of his worshippers in here would turn you in in a heartbeat for even hinting around that. Besides, who knows, they might already be watching.<P>Otis... Otis...?


Miki Dora status
Apr 22, 2002
How many more years of this barney?? 2 right and counting... I don't know if we will make it in one piece.<P>What I dont' get is how can he ease restrictions on older smokestacks... just look around you blind man(bush) and look at our skies of any major metropolitan city?? what do you see ??? smoke in the sky...pollution out of control...<BR>anyone drive up north california lately? go over the grapevine, do you see the mountains anymore?? no. where are they?? buried in pollution... it really sickens me...<BR>and it's sickening my lungs.<P>


Kelly Slater status
Jan 10, 2002
Big Blue Marble
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OTIS:<BR><B>I didn't either. An assasination would be of no service. We'd have Cheney, he's worse!</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Hello? Mr. Ashcroft? I'd like to report an UnAmerican to you...<P>Yes, I can hold...

Simon Moon

Billy Hamilton status
Jan 10, 2002
Calabasas, Ca, USA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tyrez:<BR><B>Here's the link for the story above. <P> <A HREF="http://www.earthjustice.org/news/display.html?ID=443" TARGET=_blank>http://www.earthjustice.org/news/display.html?ID=443</A> <P><BR>Don't forget to click on the "PAYBACK" link for more gory details such as this:<P>"The biggest challenge is going to be how to best utilize taxpayer dollars to the benefit of industry."<P>-Mike Smith, Bush Administration Assistant Secretary for Fossil Fuels at the U.S. Dept. of energy, <I>Charleston Gazzette</I>, 1/31/02<P>[This message has been edited by tyrez (edited 11-22-2002).]</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>There you go quoting those "liberally" slanted websites again.