Selling a CB B5 speed egg w/ e-wing that's lightly used, in great condition, no dings ( a few small dimples). It's 6'9 x 20 3/4 x 2 5/8. I picked it up b/c they are so hard to get these days and had to try it out. It got me hooked on bonzers, but it's too much board for me, so I've replaced it with a new 6'4 (see above) that should be ready any day now. I'll post the Craigslist ad once I post it, but if anyone's interested we connect through this thread. It was shaped by Malcolm Campbell and glassed at Moonlight. Asking $700 w/o center fin (need it for new one). Would need to be a local pickup in San Diego CA. If it doesn't sell, I'll put it on consignment at Bird's Surf shed at some point soon.