Best Sunblock 2021


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
Think with Shishedo, the tinted stick is the way to go. The lotion no real advantage over anything else. The clear stick is chemical rather physical (zinc/titanium based).
i think hez talking about the lotion in the blue bottle? that stuff stings eyez like cray.

the tinted stickz r dope but fkn expensive af
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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
Reef bleaching chemmy trash, maaaan.

Some of that stuff, like the chemmy Neutrogena, is probably great for spending a fair bit of time outside away from the water around women you are attempting to mount where you don't want to be all physical blockers smeared about the grill.

But for anything where you're not among 'polite society' having a snob-off, oxidized metal is victorious.
issue with the metals is an inhalation hazard.


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
issue with the metals is an inhalation hazard.
Holy fuck you're supposed to apply stick/lotion to your skin that says (oxidized) Zinc or Titanium. Are you looking for spray-on Coppertone with Mercury as the active ingredient?

On second thought, the only way to avoid skin cancer is to apply a serious physical blocker like depleted uranium with a 155mm howitzer. Give it a whirl and report back.

Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
I always had a black bottle or stick of SunBum in reach for the last few years but they are down to the dregs.
I have a ThinkSport stick and a Bare stick. They both seem fine.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise
Holy fook you're supposed to apply stick/lotion to your skin that says (oxidized) Zinc or Titanium. Are you looking for spray-on Coppertone with Mercury as the active ingredient?

On second thought, the only way to avoid skin cancer is to apply a serious physical blocker like depleted uranium with a 155mm howitzer. Give it a whirl and report back.
i figured ur in florida so stated the potential hazards. (chemical sniffing for high)


Phil Edwards status
Jan 22, 2005
non nano is for skin absorption. lungs may be different. ask any floridian tweaker
How would you breathe it in if it's in a lotion or cream? Could happen in the mixing process if you're making your own, but not if you buy it premade. I wouldn't worry about the non-nano version. Has to be safer than avobenzone:
Although avobenzone is considered safe, disintegration products may have significant health impacts and persist in the environment. A recent study at Lomonosov Moscow State University found that chlorinated water and ultraviolet light can cause avobenzone to disintegrate into various other organic compounds, including; aromatic acids, aldehydes, phenols, and acetophenones which may have adverse health effects.

I would be careful using any ringed hydrocarbon in the presence of Cl (pools and saltwater), since many of the toxic chemicals that humans have made are chlorinated hydrocarbons (ddt, PCB, etc.).


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Sep 11, 2017
San Diego, CA
what's the ozzie one that Jake paterson is doing? Supposedly it's hugely popular and he's gonna be rich beeyotch when it gets bought by a big brand. Is it available in US?


Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
I'm on my 2nd tube of Amavara. The brown makeup kine. I quite like it. I was hesitant to recommend it because I live in the PNW so what the heck do I know about sunscreen? But, after a couple weeks in Cabo recently I feel like I can safely say it's at least "pretty good". My buddy brought the sunbum zinc on our trip and he got torched first few days whereas I never got burned. It's super sticky stuff so it doesn't rub off too easily and the makeup tint is slightly preferable to the ghost face zinc look I reckon.