So is that a repair? Or a retrofit?
When installing tracks, there's various ways to do it. To some extent it's a balance of more weight or more strength, with finding the happy balance of strong enough while not being too heavy. Though you can f it up and have it be too heavy but not stronger...I'd be surprised if they filled the voids with epoxy/cabosil vs hd foam, that'd be pretty crazy, also subject to too much heat.
Having screwed up the alignment of the boxes, there is a half-a$$ fix: depending which box, you have rougly 5-8mm of plastic wall to play with, so you can drill/dremel cut outs to fit the bolt (blue dots below). It means your mast is set in place, can't slide it forward back, but at least it works. Key #1 with a bullet is to ensure your mast plate is 100% straight on the board before you do this.
In the photo above, your top left and bottom right appear to be off in opposite direction, looks like you need to turn your mast 1cm clockwise and this may fix both holes (but if the mast is then not traight on board, eg if your foil wing is not 90 degrees to board, then that's a much bigger problem) [blue arrows]