It get's you into the AXIS range which is all interchangeable, so it doesn't really matter. Oh I just noticed that's the red fuse. Those are the larger and older front wings. The black fuse is the newer option that mounts the most recently designed front wings. The tail mount is the same on red and black.
I personally would go with a black fuse and the 910b. It'll be very similar and be more upgradeable later on. Do you want me to build you a parts list? Fine I'll do it anyway.
You're light so I think the 16mm mast is the way to go. It's thinner, so less drag. The 19mm mast is amazingly stiff, so better for heavier riders or really wide wingspans. It comes at a weight penalty though. If you think you'll get into wing foil probably get the 19mm mast. It's the more common of the two. I listed the parts list as 16mm, but just change all the mast options to 19mm if you prefer that one.
Customize and build your Black Fuselage foil rig here! Please note, only certain Carbon Front Wings are compatible with the Black fuselages. You can use any style/size of rear wing with the Black fuselage rig. Make sure to select Carbon, Aluminum 19mm or Aluminum 16mm when it comes to your...
Go to that link and choose these options.
Front Wing Size: PNG 910b
Rear Wing Size: 350p
Black Fuselage: Ultrashort 644mm
Aluminum mast Length 16mm: 750mm
Fuselage/Mast Adapter: 16mm Doodad
Mast Plate 16mm: 16mm
Screws/TefGel: Screws/Tefgel.
Total: $1512 USD
Ignore the carbon mast and 19mm mast options. You do not need Titanium screws. You can try asking for a Los Angeles Foil Club Discount. Not sure he does that anymore. Or you can try Josh in Seal Beach at the foil shop. He has a 910b setup in stock right now. He will set you up right.