Are the Democrats about to cook up a fake war


Duke status
Apr 8, 2006
Brett was trying to score gotcha points with the base and old Petey just shut him down!


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
This is exactly what Smedley Butler said almost 100 years ago:
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer; a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
Read about the arrests at Bragg recently.
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Tom Curren status
Mar 5, 2009
There's no end to this (war) as far as I can see, without serious threats. Biden has no REAL answer.

The other side of this argument is, Russia attacked and occupied Ukraine and started murdering Ukrainians. What do you propose in the way of stopping Russia? Where will Putin stop? .....Poland? .....Britain? .....the United States? Who's lives would you rather spend in stopping Putler, Ukrainian or American? Where would you rather fight Putler, in Ukraine or at your family's front door?

Add in history. World War 2 happened because the allies failed to occupy and destroy Germany's government in World War 1, and failed to end the Soviet threat which caused Germany's reaction. World War 2 ended Germany's reaction, but failed to end the Soviet threat. It is alive and flourishing in Russia and Ukraine today.

We aren't looking at surrogates on both sides. Russia just said "Fck your feelings, and fck your surrogates. We don't need no stinking surrogates."
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Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
I think the free world is somewhat less intimidated by Russia's armed forces now than they were last March.
Nobody in the west ever thought Russia was a formidable opponent in conventional warfare. The question that was answered in Ukraine is were they capable of fighting through layers of corruption to even get to the defending their borders...which has been answered. Neither the Wests or Russia took Ukraine's military seriously and both have since learned.

The problem for Ukraine is Russia is retooling in the way of more and more artillery and cannon fodder. You see it on a small scale today as the battle lines are slowly moving west and north again. The US and the West continue to dither and operate without a plan...unless the plan is to just bleed Russia until they lose enough troops to just give up. Personally I thought we were past large proxy wars like this but it looks more and more like the evil of this strategy is alive and well.
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Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
unless the plan is to just bleed Russia until they lose enough troops to just give up.
That’s exactly the plan. As of a few months ago Russia had lost an estimated 20% of their fighting age men, which for just under year is more than a drop in the bucket. In the fall they were literally pulling prison bitches out of prison and putting them on the front lines. Russia already had an upside down birthday cake age distribution and this war has only made it worse, so there ability to ever have a standing army again is highly unlikely.


Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
That’s exactly the plan. As of a few months ago Russia had lost an estimated 20% of their fighting age men, which for just under year is more than a drop in the bucket. In the fall they were literally pulling prison bitches out of prison and putting them on the front lines. Russia already had an upside down birthday cake age distribution and this war has only made it worse, so there ability to ever have a standing army again is highly unlikely.
To be fair almost nobody, especially in that neighborhood, has had a fertility rate above replacement.

@VonMeister Any opinion on Russia annexing a lot of sh!t East of the Dnieper and Lviv become Lwow and Odessa being part of Polska or some such, as a plan B to some sort of optimistic, pre 2014 UA border plan A?


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
So we found out they don’t really have nukes?
Nukes aren't an offensive weapon when all sides have them...they're a deterrent. To believe that Russia will use nukes against the west you would have to believe that Putin decided on mass suicide and the elimination of Russia and its people. I wouldn't discount that completely but if the goal is to turn the battlefield around than using a nuke would have the opposite effect.

If Russia were to launch a nuclear attack at the west it takes about 15 minutes from launch to landing to destroy Russias ground based nuclear launch sites using Europe and submarine based missiles. I don't think there's much belief in the west that Russia can launch a whole lot of missiles in 15 minutes. Could a few missiles get through to the US...sure but landing a punch which causes your opponent to kill you isn't a war strategy.

Russia's true weapon was their honest belief that Germany couldn't live without Russian energy. That was the only real weapon they had. The truth is that Germany was self destructing with or without Russian energy. It's also true that Germany is responsible for this to begin with. They were warned repeatedly about bad policy when it comes to Russia. Not only did they fund the war on Ukraine but anytime you see a smart Russian weapon (or Iranian for that matter) it's usually controlled by German components.