Anyone Else Have a Crazy Gold Digger Sister In Law?


Duke status
Apr 26, 2013
I sold a house to an Armenian. Silly me didn't understand that deals aren't done until the money changes hands, even with an no contingencies all rights waived contract. I ended up suing to force the other party to proceed... which really was just a ploy to get her to agree to cancel the contract. Then i hit them with a lawsuit for damages naming the broker because he was an agent for the broker representing himself. Broker paid...I'm sure insurance was the ultimate payer but in the 6 months the house appreciated another 30% and we got a 5 figure check for damages.

Not sure what the situation is but you will only be wasn't your time trying to negotiate or reason with her. Everything must be forced.


Gerry Lopez status
Apr 15, 2008
Had a crazy gold digger step mother, who was too dumb to realize my dad didn't really have much but was more of a snake oil salesman. The effort she put into not working seemed a like a whole lot more work than actually getting a job. At one point when I was fresh out of college and broke she tried to get me to start a bank account for her children's (my half brothers) college fund. The irony that she didn't work but expected me to contribute to their college fund...