26. how many other non partakers out there?


Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
congrats on 26.

i'm not strictly sober but for the most part i don't drink or do drugs. i have the occasional beer and i enjoy it but it's never really been my jam. even one micro brew makes me feel slow the next day and i don't care for that. i haven't smoked weed in a long time since it started giving me anxiety.


Phil Edwards status
Mar 11, 2006
Tuna Town/Baja
Dont drink, lost count of how long. Took last drink on a Christmas Eve and haven't even thought about it since.

Except damn a cold Corona did go good with Fish Tacos in Baja after a Surf.

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Little over 14 years alcohol free for me. I’ve done psychedelics a handful of times over the years so can’t say I’ve been drug free for that long.

It’s been 4-5 years since I’ve taken drugs but I’m not really keeping track of that because I haven’t intentionally tried to quit.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
i woke up this morning sober, just like the past 26 years. any others out there doing the no drink no drug thing? i know autoprax isn't, but the rest of y'all? it beats being dead, that's for sure.
I really cut down a lot because I'm recomping. I lost 10 pounds. I couldn't do it without cutting back on my drinking.

My vanity stops me from drinking exessivley.

I would drink more if I wasn't trying to lean up.

Glad it's working out for you. :shaka:

Do you ever still want to get high?

Are you going to the gym?

Have you tried ice baths yet?

*Not trivializing the struggle some people have with sobriety.


Miki Dora status
Apr 15, 2015
Kauai's north shore ~
It's tough, trying to put the bottle of beer and a fatty down but I've had to just for the sake of health. and again, being in food and beverage with the young'ins surrounding me at the end of the night, the back parking lot gets a bit rowdy. And like 50+ years ago, beer bottles clink, along with "the stink" and the other stuff comes from somewhere and the volume of the evenings discourse, rises an octave or two about the dick azz people on table 29, 18 and six.

I've put down the beer and booze, distributed quite a nice stash of The Green away to assorted friends with various astonishing looks just because it's wrecked my lungs, brought uncomfortable bouts of bronchitis along with fevers and the phuggin coughing. The 60 + years of abuse is catching up on me and the payback is showing it's ugly face.

And let's not even bring up the abuse of the "local plate lunches" on a daily basis with the fatty oils and SALT content with the residual long term effects, then include everything from above and The Perfect Storm begins to brew. Self abuse, is so yesterday. Or maybe it's just old age setting in. Whatever, it is what it is and the cards have been dealt and you play your hand out, win or loose.

So yeah, I'm done with the above "toy's of foolishness and frivolity" but gawd dam, the ride was fun, yet getting through the highs and lows of being a Senior Citizen and the pokes and probing that go along with it ... just sucks azz .. :roflmao:
Peace Out, dudes.



Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
think this came up in recently in another thread.....but to repeat: at the end of the day, when the kids are in bed, and the bills are paid, and my little world is intact for one more day - then i can partake in a nightcap and a bong hit. it's a treat - a reward - that has to be earned, every day.


Jun 4, 2004
i woke up this morning sober, just like the past 26 years. any others out there doing the no drink no drug thing? i know autoprax isn't, but the rest of y'all? it beats being dead, that's for sure.
A beer or two and maybe a margarita per week. Never smoked weed. Seen the effects of alcoholism up close. Runs in the genes. Don't need to go down that road.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
It's tough, trying to put the bottle of beer and a fatty down but I've had to just for the sake of health. and again, being in food and beverage with the young'ins surrounding me at the end of the night, the back parking lot gets a bit rowdy. And like 50+ years ago, beer bottles clink, along with "the stink" and the other stuff comes from somewhere and the volume of the evenings discourse, rises an octave or two about the dick azz people on table 29, 18 and six.

I've put down the beer and booze, distributed quite a nice stash of The Green away to assorted friends with various astonishing looks just because it's wrecked my lungs, brought uncomfortable bouts of bronchitis along with fevers and the phuggin coughing. The 60 + years of abuse is catching up on me and the payback is showing it's ugly face.

And let's not even bring up the abuse of the "local plate lunches" on a daily basis with the fatty oils and SALT content with the residual long term effects, then include everything from above and The Perfect Storm begins to brew. Self abuse, is so yesterday. Or maybe it's just old age setting in. Whatever, it is what it is and the cards have been dealt and you play your hand out, win or loose.

So yeah, I'm done with the above "toy's of foolishness and frivolity" but gawd dam, the ride was fun, yet getting through the highs and lows of being a Senior Citizen and the pokes and probing that go along with it ... just sucks azz .. :roflmao:
Peace Out, dudes.

I used to love getting off the swing shift (I worked in the grocery business) or the restaurant and drinking in the parking lot with the crew at midnight.